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研究生(外文):Chen-Lin Ho
論文名稱(外文):Micro Structures on Gallium Nitride Light Emitting Diodes for Light Extraction Improvement
指導教授(外文):Ming-Kwei Lee
外文關鍵詞:light extraction efficiencymicrolensZnOGaN LEDSiO2
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In recent years, even though the light output of GaN-related LED continues to increase, the brightness is still low compared to conventional lighting systems and it is necessary to further improve the light extraction of LEDs.
In this study, the characteristics of LPD-SiO2 film and Al/SiO2/GaN MOS diode were investigated in advance of the formation of SiO2 micro structure for improving the oxide quality and controlling the deposition parameters. Temperature-difference method, post-annealing treatment, photochemical treatment, sulfurated treatment and etc. were used for the purposes of better properties of the MOS structure and the LED. To obtain higher light extraction efficiency of GaN LED, hemispherical SiO2 microlens was formed on the conventional and the flip-chip LEDs. The deposition mechanism had been developed to obtain the further improvements on the electrical and optical properties. The influences of epoxy encapsulation on the LEDs without and with microlens were also studied.
Considering the refractive index of SiO2 is close to that of the epoxy, the enhancements of light extraction efficiency and angular optical distribution of GaN LED by using SiO2 microlens will be degraded after encapsulating. Therefore, we also tried to deposit ZnO film and rod on GaN LED by LPD method to maintain or further enhance the light extraction efficiency of GaN LEDs by the combining the micro structure and the epoxy encapsulation.
Acknowledgment ……………………….…………………..……...…..…..….I
Contents …………………………………………………….…..………….….IV
List of Figures ………………………………………………………..……….IX
List of Tables …………………………………………………….……..…...XIV
Abstract ………...…………………………………………………….…..…..XV

Chapter 1 Introduction …………………………………………………….….1
1-1 Background of GaN-related Materials ……………………………….…1
1-2 GaN-Based LED …………………………………….……………….…2
1-2-1 Evolution of LED ………………………………………………… .3
1-2-2 Structure of GaN-based LED ……………………..…….………….3
1-2-3 Problems of GaN-based LED ………………………………….…...4
1-3 Motivations of SiO2 on GaN blue LED ……………………….…………6
1-4 Liquid Phase Deposited SiO2 ……………………………….…………...8
1-5 Pre- and Post-Treatments on SiO2/GaNLED …………………..…..…….9
1-5-1 Temperature-Difference Method ……….………………..…….........9
1-5-2 Photochemical Treatment ……….……………………….…...........10
1-5-3 Sulfurated Treatment ……….………………...…………………....12
1-5-4 Post-Annealing Treatment ……….…………………..……….........12
1-5-5 Flip-Chip Technology ……….………………..…………….…......13
1-5-6 Epoxy Encapsulation ……….………………………….…….........14
1-6 LPD-ZnO on GaN LED ………..….……………………...……….........15

Chapter 2 Experiments ………………………………………………….…..24
2-1 LPD System …………………………….………………………….…..24
2-2 GaN Blue LED …………………………………………………….…..25
2-3 LPD Processes ………………………..………………………………...25
2-3-1 Substrate Cleaning Procedures …………………………………….25
2-3-2 Preparation of Deposition Solution …………………...…………...26
2-4 Pre- and Post-Treatments ………………………………………….…....27
2-4-1 Photochemical Treatment ……………………………...…………..27
2-4-2 Sulfurated Treatment …………………….……………..………….28
2-4-3 Post-Annealing Treatment …………………………………...…….28
2-4-4 Flip-Chip Technology ………………………………………….….29
2-4-5 Epoxy Encapsulation ……………………………..……………….29
2-5 Fabrication of MOS diode ……………………………….………….30
2-6 Characterization ……………………………………………….……….30
2-6-1 Physical and Chemical Properties …………….………….……….30
2-6-2 Optical Properties ………………………………..……….……….31
2-6-3 Electrical Properties ……………………………………....……….32

Chapter 3 Characteristics of LPD-SiO2 Film on GaN ……………………....36
3-1 Characteristics of LPD-SiO2 Film on GaN ……………………………..36
3-1-1 Deposition Rate …………………………………………….….…..36
3-1-2 FE-SEM Morphology ……………………...…………………...….37
3-1-3 XRD Spectrum …………………...…………………………..….37
3-1-4 XPS Spectrum and SIMS Depth Profile ……………………..……37
3-1-5 J-E Curve ……………………...…………………………………..38
3-1-6 C-V Curve ……………………...………………………………….39
3-2 Characteristics of TD-LPD-SiO2 on GaN ………...………………...….40
3-2-1 Deposition Rate ……………………...…………………………….40
3-2-2 XPS Spectrum and SIMS Depth Profile ……………..……………41
3-2-3 J-E Curve ……………………...…………………………….…….41
3-2-4 C-V Curve …………………….…………………………..……….41
3-3 N2O Post-Annealing Treatment ………………………..……...……….42
3-3-1 XPS Spectrum ……………...…………………………………..…42
3-3-2 J-E Curve ……………………...…………………………….…….43
3-3-3 Refractive Index and C-V Curve …………………….………...….43
3-4 Photochemical Treatment …………………...………………………….44
3-4-1 Schematic LPD-SiO2 on GaN …………………………...…...……44
3-4-2 FE-SEM Morphology ………………………………………….….45
3-4-3 J-E Curve ……………………...…………………………………..46
3-4-4 C-V Curve ……………………...………………………………….46
3-5 Sulfurated Treatment …………………...………………………...…….47
3-5-1 XPS Spectrum ……………………...………………………..…….47
3-5-2 J-E Curve and XPS Spectrum ……………………...…………...…47
3-5-3 C-V Curve ……………………...………………………………….48
3-6 Tentative Summary …………………...…………………………..…….49

Chapter 4 Characteristics of TD-LPD-SiO2 on GaN LED ……………….…76
4-1 Characteristics of SiO2 Film on GaN LED ………………………….…76
4-1-1 Fresnel’s Loss ……………………...………………………..…….76
4-1-2 N2O Post-Annealing Treatment ……………………………….…...77
4-1-3 Photochemical and Sulfurated Treatments ……………………...…78
4-1-4 GaN Flip-Chip LED ……………………...………………………..79
4-2 Characteristics of TD-LPD-SiO2 Microlens on GaN LED ………….…79
4-2-1 Mechanisms of LPD-SiO2 ……………………...………………….80
4-2-2 SiO2 microlens on GaN LED ……………...………...…………….81
4-2-3 N2O Post-Annealing Treatment ………………………………...….83
4-2-4 Concentration of TD-LPD Solution ……………………………….84
4-2-5 Incorporation of NH4OH Solution ………………………………...85
4-2-6 Photochemical Treatment ……………………...…………….……86
4-2-7 Epoxy Encapsulation ……………………...……………………….88
4-2-8 GaN Flip-Chip LED ……………………...…………………….….89
4-3 Tentative Summary …………………...………………………………...91

Chapter 5 Characteristics of LPD-ZnO on GaN LED ………………….….111
5-1 LPD-ZnO on GaN LED …………………...…………………………..111
5-1-1 FE-SEM Morphology ……………………...…………………..…112
5-1-2 Crystal Structure ……………………...……………………….….112
5-1-3 Schematic LPD-ZnO on GaN ……………………………………113
5-1-4 EL Spectrum ……………………...……………………………....114
5-1-5 Light Output Power and Angular Optical Distribution ………..…114
5-2 Epoxy Encapsulation …………………...…………………………..…115
5-2-1 EL Spectrum ……………………...………………………………115
5-2-2 Angular Optical Distribution ……………………………..………115
5-3 Tentative Summary …………………...……………………………….116

Chapter 6 Conclusions ………………………………………………..……124

References ……………………………………………………………………126
Vita ………………………………………………………………….……......132
Publication List ………………………………………………………………133
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