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研究生(外文):Chung-Hsuan Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Gait Algorithm of Multilegged Biomimetic Robots with Leg Failures
指導教授(外文):Innchyn Her
外文關鍵詞:Leg faultSwitched leg schemeGait planning
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Legged robots are much difficult to design and control than wheeled robots. However, one of advantages of the legged robots is that they are move adaptable to rough terrains and the task of stepping over obstacles. The gait algorithm of a robot is an important job before components the configuration of the body and each leg. The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss leg failure in gait planning procedure for multi-legged robots with symmetric structures. The legs discussed herein are in the form of an articulated arm with three revolute joints.
Various effects on motion characteristics due to different leg faults, such as robot’s walking efficiency and stability are also investigated. On extreme conditions, the robot will cease to walk after a leg failure. In this work a scheme is proposed to transform the scrambled leg pattern to a better or even optimum configuration. This leg switching scheme can improve the stability of the robot when problematic legs are disconnected from the body.
摘要 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
符號說明 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1.仿生多足機器人的發展 2
1.2.步態理論發展與表示方法 9
1.3.足部結構模組化 14
1.4.研究動機與目的 17
第二章 步態的基礎理論分析及動態模擬系統之建構 18
2.1.步態理論與分析 18
2.1.1.靜態穩定性 18
2.1.2.足端工作範圍 20
2.1.3.步態類型與速度之探討 23
2.2.仿生多足機器人模擬與控制系統之開發 27
2.2.1.硬體控制與指令傳輸 30
2.2.2.系統模擬與實機控制 31
2.2.3.形態改變後的運動協調 36
第三章 多足機器人足部故障之步態研究 40
3.1.機器人模型設定 41
3.2.基礎步態 42
3.2.1.一般步態 42
3.2.2.生物的斷足 44
3.3.六足卸離後的步態分析 47
3.4.卸離與鎖定之比較 51
3.5.八足卸離後的步態分析 52
第四章 換腳機制之分析與應用 59
4.1.最小軸向穩定度限制對步態的影響 59
4.2.換腳機制之設計 64
4.3.導入換腳機制於多足故障 66
4.4.無段式調整最佳化分析 68
第五章 結論與未來展望 73
參考文獻 76
附 錄 (一) 81
附 錄 (二) 82
附 錄 (三) 84
附 錄 (四) 86
附 錄 (五) 87
附 錄 (六) 91
附 錄 (七) 97
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