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研究生(外文):Ming-Feng Lai
論文名稱(外文):The Investigation of the Relationship Among Athlete’s Jealousy, Cohesion and Satisfaction
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Jealousy was considered as a common emotional reaction, a feeling of dissatisfied with oneself to be superior by someone while comparing to others. Previous studies have found the negative effects of this kind of psychological process on interpersonal relationship development. Besides, group cohesion was a dynamic process which is reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its goals and objectives. Therefore, the present study was trying to investigate the relations among jealousy, cohesion and satisfaction. The participants were athletes from Level Ι sport teams including badminton, track and field, weight lifting, gymnastics, volleyball, tennis and basketball. 288 questionnaires were sent out initially, and the numbers of valid questionnaires were 267 after getting rid of 21 invalid ones. Sport Jealousy Scale and Group Environment Scale were administered in this study, through a series of analytic procedures, including item analysis, EFA, reliability analysis and CFA, to construct reliability and validity. It was found that, 1.the athletes were only mildly jealous; 2.a negative and significant relation between jealousy and cohesion were found; and, 3.jealousy and satisfaction significant predicted cohesion. According to the results and the discussion, the present study provided practical implications and suggestions for the future studies.
第一章 緒論

第一節 問題背景------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------- 4
第三節 研究問題------------------------------------------- 5
第四節 名詞解釋------------------------------------------- 5

第二章 文獻探討

第一節 嫉妒的概念----------------------------------------- 7
第二節 嫉妒、凝聚力與滿足感的相關研究--------------------- 11
第三節 團隊凝聚力與相關研究------------------------------- 14
第四節 研究假設------------------------------------------- 20

第三章 研究方法

第一節 研究架構------------------------------------------- 22
第二節 研究對象------------------------------------------- 23
第三節 研究工具------------------------------------------- 23
第四節 施測程序------------------------------------------- 37
第五節 資料處理------------------------------------------- 37

第四章 研究結果與討論

第一節 嫉妒與凝聚力、滿足感之相關------------------------- 38
第二節 性別、運動項目在嫉妒和凝聚力的差異情形------------- 40
第三節 嫉妒與滿足感對凝聚力之預測------------------------- 43

第五章 結論與建議

第一節 結論----------------------------------------------- 45
第二節 建議----------------------------------------------- 48
第三節 研究限制------------------------------------------- 50

參考文獻---------------------------------------------------- 51

  一 運動嫉妒量表(SJS)初版------------------------------ 59
  二 運動嫉妒量表18題版--------------------------------- 60
  三 運動嫉妒量表--------------------------------------- 61
  四 嫉妒事件量表--------------------------------------- 62

  五 嫉妒事件量表使用同意書----------------------------- 63

  六 團隊環境量表(GEQ)草稿------------------------------ 64
  七 團隊環境量表18題版--------------------------------- 65
八 滿足感量表----------------------------------------- 66
九 滿足感量表使用同意書------------------------------- 67
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