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研究生(外文):Shang-Chih Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Fabrication of High Efficiency LC Panel for High Resolution Wide-view Autostereoscopic 3D Display
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Huan Chen
外文關鍵詞:autostereoscopic displayliquid crystalslanted barrier
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Human see this world stereoscopically, we are trying to reproduce the visual experiences from what we see from the real world. Basic principles of most 3D displays technologies were discovered a hundred years ago, but the 3D displays have not yet been put into mass production due to several problems, such as the low 3D resolution, complicated mechanism, and inconvenience of wearing glasses, etc. Nowadays many researchers are getting interested in 3D displays again because the performance of flat panel display, especially liquid crystal display (LCD) has been largely improved. This mature display technology accompanying with the new-development method can overcome the problem of the previous 3D technology.

This research proposes a solution for high efficiency high resolution liquid crystal (LC) panel for autostereoscopic 3D display with wide-view and high 3D resolution. The slanted barrier is applied on a LC panel for sharing the resolution reduction in both horizontal and vertical direction. In order to reach a high resolution with high efficiency, a new design of the LC pixel layout is necessary. The pixel design is based on the slanted barrier. The LC pixel with high directional emission profile can not only improve efficiency but also eliminate some deficiencies that affect the image quality in conventional parallax barrier design. By applying the slanted barrier and the pixel layout, we can overcome the issue of low resolution and serious resolution reduction in horizontal direction on conventional straight barrier design and have a LC panel which is more suitable for the application of high light efficiency parallax barrier type 3D display.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
List of figures vi
List of tables x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Preface 1
1.2 Literature review 2
1.2.1 Spatial multiplexing system 2
1.2.2 Time-sequential multiplexing system 4
1.2.3 Volumetric and holographic displays 6
1.2.4 Lencicular and parallax barrier 3D display 7
1.3 Motivation and objective of this thesis 9
1.4 Organization of this thesis 11
Chapter 2 Background 12
2.1 Basics of stereoscopic vision 12
2.1.1 Monocular cues 12
2.1.2 Binocular cues 18
2.1.3 Formation of depth perception 20
2.2 Principles of thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) 22
2.3 Concept of Conoscopy 24
2.4 Radiometer 25
Chapter 3 Design and fabrication of slanted barrier 27
3.1 Parameter definition in parallax barrier system 27
3.2 Definition of crosstalk 29
3.3 Methodology 29
3.3.1 Design flow 31
3.3.2 Slanted barrier design 31
3.4 Optical simulation and discussion 33
3.4.1 Light source configuration 33
3.4.2 Simulation result and discussion 35
3.5 Fabrication and measurement 38
3.5.1 Image rendering for 3D 39
3.5.2 Fabrication of barrier 40
3.5.3 Assembly of prototype 42
3.5.4 Measurement setup and procedure 43
3.6 Results and discussion 45
3.6.1 Results of observation 45
3.6.2 Results and discussion of measurement 46
3.6.3 Image quality 51
3.7 Conclusions 55
Chapter 4 Design and fabrication of high efficiency 3D LC panel 56
4.1 Directional transmittance profile of LC pixel 56
4.1.1 Design of directional transmittance profile 57
4.1.2 Simulation results and discussion 58
4.2 Modification of layout of pixel for 3D application 62
4.2.1 Optimization of electrical components 63
4.2.2 Results and discussion of simulation 69
4.3 Prototype of LC panel and slanted barrier 71
4.4 Measurements and discussions 74
4.5 Modification of simulation configuration and discussion 77
4.6 Conclusions 83
Chapter 5 Conclusions and future works 84
5.1 Conclusions 84
5.2 Future works 85
References 86
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