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論文名稱(外文):An Adaptive Method for Distributed Data Management in High Level Architecture
指導教授(外文):Yeh-Ching Chung
外文關鍵詞:High Level ArchitectureData Distribution Management
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高階模擬架構是一種公開通用的分散互動式模擬基礎架構,高階模擬架構目的在於提升各類模擬系統間交互運作性與模擬元件之重複使用性。執行基礎(Run-time Infrastructure)是高階模擬架構重要的核心,在高階模擬架構中所有模擬單元之間的互動和模擬環境的管理必須透過執行基礎所提供的服務來達成。執行基礎定義六個服務群組,分別為模擬環境管理(Federation Management)、宣告管理(Declaration Management)、物件管理(Object Management)、所有權管理(Ownership Management)、時間管理(Time Management)、資料分散管理(Data Distribution Management)。在高階模擬架構中,資料分散管理是透過比對模擬單元感興趣區域來降低模擬單元間傳輸和多餘的資料傳遞。模擬單元向執行基礎註冊發行模擬物件所感興趣區域(publisher region)和訂閱模擬物件所感興趣區域(subscriber region)。執行基礎藉由發行模擬物件所感興趣區域(publisher region)和訂閱模擬物件所感興趣區域(subscriber region)的比對,將模擬資料從發行者的模擬單元傳送到訂閱者的模擬單元。在本篇論文,我們針對資料分散管理提出一種適應性比對模擬單元感興趣區域的方法。我們將模擬單元感興趣區域映射到適應性網格上,藉由網格來篩選我們需要比對的區域來降低比對成本。而網格大小會根據我們比對成本模型來動態地調整它的大小。實驗驗證適應性網格比靜態性網格更具有彈性和效率面對各種模擬情況。
High Level Architecture is a common framework for reuse and interoperation of simulation. Run-time Infrastructure which is the fundamental component of HLA provides several services for simulators’ interaction. In High Level Architecture, the purpose of Data Distribution Management is to reduce transmission and irrelevant data among simulators by comparing their interesting regions. In this paper, we propose a matching method for Data Distribution Management to deal with simulations which can cover a large range of size of regions. In our approach, these regions are mapped onto an adaptive grid and the size of grid cells can be changed dynamically based on our matching cost model. Experimental evaluations show that our approach is more efficient than approaches with static grid cell size.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Work 4
2.1 Region-based approach 4
2.2 Grid-based approach 4
2.3 Hybrid approach 5
Chapter 3 Adaptive Hybrid-Based DDM 6
3.1 The Matching Cost Model 6
3.2 Detailed Description of the Adaptive Hybrid Algorithm 10
Chapter 4 Performance Evaluation 13
4.1 Experimental Assumption and Platform 13
4.2 The performance of fixed regions with fixed size 14
4.2 The performance of mixed regions with different sizes 15
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 18
References 19
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