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研究生(外文):Yu-Mo Lin
指導教授(外文):Shang-Hong Lai
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In this thesis, we propose a novel image restoration framework for restoring images degraded by unknown motion blurs from a single image. Our approach takes advantage of the bi-level image patches to estimate the blur kernel. The patches which contain only two-grayscale regions are first selected. Then we propose a method to find an initial guess for our algorithm. This method includes searching a threshold value based on a cost function and utilizing an illumination model to account for small illumination variations. Afterwards, we propose a probabilistic model which combines both blur kernel estimation and non-blind bi-level image deconvolution into a single maximum a posteriori (MAP) formulation. An alternating minimization algorithm is developed to iteratively refine both the blur kernel and the bi-level blurred patches. Finally, we apply Richardson-Lucy (RL) deconvolution to restore the entire image by using the estimated blur kernel. Some experimental results on the deblurring of simulated and real blurred images are given to demonstrate the performance of the proposed blind motion deblurring algorithm.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Background 1
1.2 Problem Description 2
1.3 Previous Works 3
1.4 Main Contribution 8
1.5 Thesis Organization 9
Chapter 2 Proposed Motion Deblurring Algorithm using Bi-level Image Patches 10
2.1 System Overview 10
2.2 Blur Kernel Estimation using Bi-level patches 12
2.2.1 Definition of the Likelihood Term 13
2.2.2 Definition of the Prior on the Ideal Unblurred Image 14
2.2.3 Definition of the Prior on the Blur Kernel 19
2.3 Energy Minimization 21
2.3.1 Optimization for Latent image F 22
2.3.2 Optimization for Blur Kernel H 24
2.4 Initial Image Patch Thresholding 25
2.4.1 Image Patch Adjustment 26
2.4.2 Image Patch Thresholding 26
2.4.3 Image Patch Illumination Modeling 28
Chapter 3 Experimental Results 31
3.1 Experiments on Simulated Blurred Images 31
3.2 Experiments on Real Blurred Images 38
Chapter 4 Discussion and Conclusion 43
References 46

List of Figures

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed bi-level-based blind motion deblurring algorithm. 12
Fig. 2. Overview of our proposed blur kernel estimation algorithm. 12
Fig. 3. Ill-posed problem for blind image deconvolution. 15
Fig. 4. The distribution of image gradients. 17
Fig. 5. Effect of the sparse prior Ps(F). 18
Fig. 6. Effect of the locally smooth prior Pm(F). 19
Fig. 7. The heavy-tailed curve of kernel values. 21
Fig. 8. Flowchart of our proposed image patch thresholding algorithm. 26
Fig. 9. The effect of the illumination model. 29
Fig. 10. Poster photo deblurring experiment. 34
Fig. 11. Map photo deblurring experiment. 35
Fig. 12. Results of different iterations in our deconvolution algorithm. 36
Fig. 13. Stadium photo deblurring experiment. 37
Fig. 14. Garage photo deblurring experiment. 37
Fig. 15. Deblurring on a real blurred stadium photo. 40
Fig. 16. A deblurring experiment on a real blurred image. 41
Fig. 17. A real blurred image. 42
Fig. 18. A failed deblurring example. 45

List of Tables

Table 1. Comparison of the restoration results. 38

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