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研究生(外文):Hsin-Ju Li
指導教授(外文):Chung-Ta King
外文關鍵詞:wireless sensor networkmonitoring systemenergy balanced
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為了解決此問題,論文中提出了幾個解法,設法做出最佳分配來平衡整個網路的電量,並降低求解過程中在CPU運算量、記憶體、封包傳送上所需的額外負擔;在論文中同時透過證明,保證解法一定能得到最佳解(optimal solution),即使在無法得到最佳解的情況下也能找出誤差的上限(error bound)。
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 The Data Collection Problem 5
2.1 System Model 5
2.2 Problem Statement 8
Chapter 3 MCE-p Algorithm 9
3.1 Energy Table and Decision Table 10
3.2 Distributed Computation 10
3.3 Sampling Schedule Assignment 12
3.4 Design Considerations 16
Chapter 4 Performance Analysis 18
4.1 Optimality Proof 18
4.2 Error Bound Analysis 22
4.3 Time Complexity Analysis 27
Chapter 5 Performance Improvement 30
5.1 Q-MCE 31
5.2 Optimality Proof 34
Chapter 6 Experiment 38
6.1 Simulation Setup 38
6.2 Performance Evaluation of Centralized Algorithm 39
6.3 Performance Evaluation of Distributed Algorithm 42
Chapter 7 Related Work 44
Chapter 8 Conclusion 46
Bibliography 47
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