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研究生(外文):Sheng-En Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Real-time Multiple Object Detection and Tracking Technique in Road Traffic Systems
指導教授(外文):Yung-Chang Chen
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隨著電腦技術的越來越發達,人們對生命安全的也越來越重視。所以安全監控系統的研究也成為一個重要的議題,其中對於物件追蹤的準確性就是一個重要的關鍵。在處理物件追蹤的時候主要可以分為兩個步驟:首先就是要正確的萃取出畫面中我們所關心的物件,接著才能對這些物件做進一步的追蹤。對於物件的萃取,Kim 等人在2005年提出了一套背景建立技術,這個技術可以在變動的背景中找出我們需要的物件。不過有時候一些背景也會被當作物件偵測出來。在物件追蹤的時候也常常會遭遇到複雜的物件交會情形,這也是造成難以建立一個完善的追蹤系統的主要原因。
As the computer technology becomes more and more convenient, people also pay more attention to security of life. Study of surveillance system becomes an important issue nowadays, where an accurate object tracking is one of key topics. When tracking objects, there are two main steps. First, object detection, which can locate the foreground objects of interest from the video, is needed. Second, we have to propose a good system that can track objects with several kinds of interaction. For object detection, Kim et al. proposed a Codebook background modeling algorithm which can detect objects in a varying background. However, sometimes ghost objects are detected. For object tracking, there are usually complicated interactions of multiple objects, causing difficulty.
In this thesis, we utilize and make some modifications on Codebook model so that it can provide a more complete result for detecting objects. Then an edge-based model is combined with Codebook model that can reduce some ghost objects during object detection. We classify all possible events into five different situations, and each situation is processed by a specific algorithm. A robust tracking result is obtained from the object tracking system.
In the experiment, by the combination of Codebook model and edge-base model, it can effectively reduce occurrence of ghost objects. Our proposed tracking algorithm also solves some possible difficulties. When dealing with splitting, objects can be distinguished into correct targets. By using a proposed edge-based meanshift algorithm, objects, which are very small, can be kept tracking successfully. Our system also produces precise result for low frame rate video. The proposed system works at 10 - 15 fps and achieves real-time operation.
Table of Contents...........................ii
List of Figures..............................v
List of Tables.............................vii
Chapter1 Introduction........................1
1.1 Introduction of Object Tracking..........1
1.2 Motivation...............................3
1.3 System Overview..........................3
1.4 Thesis Organization......................6
Chapter2 Related Works.......................7
2.1 Object Detection.........................7
2.2 Object Tracking..........................9
Chapter3 Background Modeling and Object Detection.........13
3.1 Codebook Background Modeling..........................14
3.1.1 Background Modeling and Detection...................14
3.1.2 Layered Modeling and Detection - Model Maintenance..19
3.2 Some Modifications of Codebook Modeling...............20
3.2.1 A Modified Updating for Brightness Range of Codeword20
3.2.2 Background Subtraction with Spatial Continuity......21
3.3 Foreground Edge Detection.............................23
3.3.1 Sobel Operator......................................23
3.2.2 Edge-based Background Modeling and Subtraction......24
3.4 Morphological Operation...............................25
3.5 Blobs Connection......................................26
3.6 Color Feature of Measurements Extraction..............27
Chapter4 Object Tracking..................................29
4.1 Representation of Target..............................30
4.2 Correspondence and Classifier.........................30
4.3 The One-to-One Process................................32
4.4 The Merging Process...................................33
4.5 The Splitting Process.................................34
4.5.1 Feature Similarity Algorithm........................35
4.6 The New-coming Process................................36
4.7 The Missing Process...................................37
4.7.1 Edge-based Meanshift Algorithm......................38
4.8 Confidence of Tracking Targets........................39
Chapter5 Experimental Results and Discussion..............41
5.1 Object Detection......................................41
5.1.1 Background Subtraction and Updating of Codebook Model.....................................................41
5.1.2 The Ghost Objects and Results with Combination of Edge Detection............................................42
5.1.3 More Detection Results..............................44
5.2 Object Tracking.......................................45
5.2.1 Tracking Results....................................45
5.2.2 Edge-based Meanshift Algorithm......................48
5.3 Performance Analysis..................................49
Chapter6 Conclusion and Future Works......................52
6.1 Conclusion............................................52
6.2 Future Works..........................................53
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