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研究生(外文):Yi-Fan Su
論文名稱(外文):Adverbials in Takituduh Bunun
指導教授(外文):Henry Yungli Chang
外文關鍵詞:Austronesian languageBununAdverbialThe split VoiceP hypothesisPrefix copy
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本研究旨在討論卓社布農語狀語概念的句法表現。研究結果顯示,表示情態的狀語(epistemic adverbial)在句法上可能佔據極高的位置,但表示樣貌的狀語(manner adverbial)則出現在語態結構(VoiceP)之下;換言之,修飾範圍較廣的狀語在句法結構中通常也佔據較高的位置。這表示卓社布農語中,狀語概念的句法表現大量受到該狀語的語意功能影響,而由此亦可推論人類語言中語意和語法部門的密切關係。

卓社布農語狀語的句法結構中觀察到兩個不尋常的現象,其一為缺乏論元結構的述語可以標記為受事者焦點,其二為一個單句(mono-clause)中,附屬動詞可標記為工具/受惠者焦點。目前的理論大多主張南島語的焦點系統純粹為屈折範疇(inflectional category)或詞彙範疇(lexical category),無法合理解釋以上兩種現象。因此,本研究支持張(2008)的分裂語態結構假說(split VoiceP hypothesis),主張卓社布農語的非主事焦點結構是由語態結構(VoiceP)和施用結構(ApplicativeP)兩者組成,而主事焦點結構則缺乏施用結構。分裂語態結構假說可解釋此兩現象,基本原理就在於低階的施用中心詞(applicative head)先驅使它統制範圍(c-commanding domain)內的非主要論元(oblique argument)移位到標示語(specifier)位置,而高階的語態中心詞(voice head)再將此論元提升至主語位置。

卓社布農語的狀語疊置(adverbial stacking)及前綴複製(prefix copy)亦在本研究的討論範圍之內。研究發現,情態狀語必須出現於其他狀語之前,而樣貌狀語則必須置於其他狀語之後。

在前綴複製方面,研究結果顯示卓社布農語的複製範圍應侷限於時貌結構(AspectP)之下。此外,本研究主張卓社布農語的前綴複製並非中心語位移(head movement)的結構,原因是被複製的元素仍擁有其音韻形式,且該語言的前綴複製結構並不遵守Rizzi(1990)所提出的微言相對性(Relativized Minimality)。本研究認為此結構中的前綴應是一種原生於(base-generated)功能範疇投射(functional projection)的動詞詞類標記,主要功能在於限定其動詞類別。
This study investigates the grammatical realizations of adverbial modifiers in Takituduh Bunun, one of the Austronesian languages spoken in central and southern Taiwan. It is found that epistemic adverbials such as possibly may be realized as modals in their syntactic projections, while manner adverbials such as quickly may occur in a position lower than the VoiceP. In other words, adverbials with wider scope of modification normally occupy higher structural positions. The fact that grammatical behaviors of Takituduh adverbials are largely attributable to their semantic functions suggests the strong correlation between semantic and syntactic facets of the language.

Two aberrant phenomena pertaining to Takituduh adverbial constructions have been discussed in this study. For one thing, temporal adverbials which are deficient in argument structures can take patient-focus markers; for the other, in some mono-clausal adverbial constructions such as mistakenly, lexical verbs are able to take instrumental/beneficiary focus markers. Most of the current theories fail to account for the aforementioned findings because the focus system is assumed to be simply an inflectional or a lexical category. Therefore, this study adopts the split VoiceP hypothesis proposed by H. Chang (2008) and argues that, in line with Tsou—another Austronesian language—Takituduh non-actor focus construction may be comprised of two layers of projections, namely, voice and applicative, whereas its actor focus counterpart lacks the applicative projection. The fundamental concept is that the lower applicative head first triggers the movement of an oblique argument in its c-commanding domain to its specifier position, and the higher voice head subsequently triggers the movement of this applied object to the grammatical subject position.

Adverbial stacking and prefix copy are also addressed in this study. It is found that epistemic adverbials must precede all other adverbials, while manner adverbials can only occur after other types of adverbials in terms of linear ordering.

With regard to prefix copy, it has been verified that the copy domain in Takituduh is limited within AspectP. This study further argues that the head-movement analysis of prefix copy is untenable in Takituduh, because the multiple copy spell-out is left unexplained and the Relativized Minimality (Rizzi 1990) is not observed. On the contrary, this study suggests that Takituduh lexical prefixes in prefix copy constructions are more likely verb class markers based-generated in functional projections and serve to delimit the range of verb types.
1.1 Orientation 1
1.2 Organization of the thesis 2
1.3 A grammatical sketch of Takituduh Bunun 2
1.3.1 The phonemic inventory 3
1.3.2 Pronominal system 4 Nominative pronouns 6 Genitive pronouns 7 Oblique pronouns 8 Locative pronouns 9 Possessive pronouns 10 Contrastive pronouns 11 Bound pronoun clusters 12 Demonstrative pronouns 13
1.3.3 Case marking system 15
1.3.4 Focus system 18
1.3.5 Mood and aspect systems 21
1.3.6 Word order 25

2.1 Overview 30
2.2 Syntactic realizations of adverbial modifiers 30
2.3 Previous studies on adverbials in Formosan languages 32
2.3.1 Syntactic relationships involved in adverbial constructions 32
2.3.2 Syntactic operations involved in adverbial constructions 35
2.4 Summary 37

3.1 Overview 38
3.2 Grammatical behaviors of adverbials in Takituduh 39
3.2.1 Speaker-oriented adverbials 40
3.2.2 Epistemic adverbials 40
3.2.3 Focusing adverbials 44
3.2.4 Quantificational frequency adverbials 46
3.2.5 Temporal adverbials 48
3.2.6 Cardinal frequency adverbials 51
3.2.7 Manner adverbials 52
3.2.8 Miscellaneous adverbials 54
3.2.9 Summary 56
3.3 Discussions on Takituduh adverbials 59
3.3.1 Discussions and analyses 59
3.3.2 Implications 60
3.3.3 Significant findings in Takituduh adverbial constructions 60
3.4 Summary 86

4.1 Overview 87
4.2 Adverbial stacking in Takituduh 87
4.2.1 Introduction 87
4.2.2 Empirical observations 89
4.2.3 Discussions 91
4.3 Prefix copy on Takituduh adverbials 93
4.3.1 Clarification of terminology 94 Lexical prefixes 94 Prefix copy 95
4.3.2 Prefix copy constructions in Takituduh Bunun 97
4.3.3 Copy domain 98
4.3.4 Discussions and analyses on prefix copy 99 The Head movement analysis 99 The base-generation analysis 102
4.4 Summary 104


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