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研究生(外文):Jen-Yun Chou
論文名稱(外文):From Canine Vaccination to Cosmopolitics: An STS Exploration of Human-Dog Relationship in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Daiwie Fu
外文關鍵詞:Canine vaccinationHuman-dog relationshipSchool dogPet dogStreet dogDonna HarawayActor Network TheoryCosmopolitics
  • 被引用被引用:7
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本文以行動者網絡理論(Actor Network Theory, 簡稱ANT)作為主要的研究取徑,除了可以同時將人與非人在故事中同時展現出他們的力量,另一方面也可以打破傳統對於動物議題探討中,文化╱自然、社會╱科學等的二分與隨之產生的對立。筆者並用一章的篇幅更加深入的探討科技與社會(Science, Technology and Society, 簡稱STS)式的考察,將可以為動物研究帶來甚麼樣的新思維,同時,動物研究的主題也可以進一步談出STS研究中的萬物政治(cosmopolitics),並期待可為台灣野狗問題提出更有力的政策方針。
Owning a dog has become more and more common in contemporary Taiwanese household. To become a “standard owner,” one has to acquire a whole pack of knowledge from veterinarians, the media, and dog-loving communities, among which regular vaccination program is the most basic routine. According to the general regulation, dogs have to go through quite a significant amount of vaccination during their life span. Although the purpose of regular vaccination is to maintain dogs’ health and to prevent outbreaks of contagious diseases, the risks and side effects of canine vaccination has gradually arouse controversy. In Taiwan, the development and doctor-patient relationship of small animal veterinarian could also affect the stability of the technical network of canine vaccination, which also involves other actants such as the human-dog relationship, pharmaceutical companies and dog food companies.
Beside pet dogs, we can also easily encounter street dogs or school dogs on campus in Taiwan. These three kinds of dogs have their own story to tell, and by telling their stories, we will find that dogs are not a homogeneous collective, but full of heterogeneity. In their stories, they can unveil their agency more or less: they do not merely play a passive part in human-dog relationship, but can actively influence other actors like human being.
This paper uses Actor Network Theory as the main approach, since it can not only show the strength of humans as well as non-humans in the story to tell, but also transcend the dichotomy and opposition that follows between culture/nature, society/science and etc. in traditional animal-centered discourses. I will further discuss on the one hand the new ways of thinking STS (Science, Technology and Society) studies can bring for animal studies, and on the other hand, how the theme of animal studies can provoke the idea of cosmopolitics, so that I can generate helpful policy-making suggestions for the street dog problem in Taiwan.
第一章:前言 1
研究緣起 1
研究背景與文獻回顧 2
章節安排 6
第二章:從犬隻預防針初探人狗關係網絡 8
引言 8
犬隻預防針之背景 10
網絡中的行動者:獸醫 15
行動者:藥廠、寵物用品業者 23
行動者:飼主 26
小結 30
第三章:進入狗的世界-湯姆、野狗們與小羊的故事 32
引言 32
湯姆的故事 35
野狗的故事 41
校犬的故事-從小羊的故事談起 46
小結 60
第四章:反省-從STS觀點再看人狗關係 63
引言 63
動物倫理學的觀點 64
STS觀點與動物議題 70
Donna Haraway筆下的狗世界 74
反省-STS思維與動物研究 80
小結 83
第五章:結語 85
研究總結 85
後記 90
參考書目 92
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