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研究生(外文):Liang-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):The RFID firmware interface for single packet fast alignment and its application in parking management
指導教授(外文):Ted Tao
外文關鍵詞:Radio and frequency identificationElectronic walletSingle packet fast alignment
  • 被引用被引用:2
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The RFID firmware interface for single packet fast alignment and its application in the intelligent parking management are proposed in this thesis. There are three parts in this system: software management program, firmware identification interface and hardware electronic circuits. The major idea is that the identification tag number is transported from RFID card to software management program for alignment checking, and only one set password is packed and conveyed to the firmware decoder when the identification number is checked up and confirmed rightly. Finally, the single password packet is decoded by the firmware decoder, and then the hardware circuits will transport a logic permission signal to drive a motor on in order to open the gate.
The database, which is saved in a servo compute, is shared for software program using in the same local area network. The software management includes the parking management and electronic wallet function. It can read or write trade records in RFID card. A fast comparative method also proposed in software program, in which the identification number is divided into an address set and a password set and then they are aligned for fast comparing. The parking management system also includes the electronic wallet, which can record trade information in some sectors of RFID card. Besides, a web camera takes the pictures in the input and output zones for saving image data.
The hardware includes Schmitt Trigger and the optical coupler transistor circuits. It can resist electronic noises and isolate magnetic disturbances. The optical coupler transistor circuits and common relay switch circuits take the place of solid state relay (SSR) in our design, which not only can saves hardware price but also can isolate magnetic disturbances. There is an infrared ray in the gate, which confirms weather a vehicle or article is below the gate or not. The gate also can be remote controlled for emergency. Besides, only one set password packet and fast checking methods are utilized, so safety and fast alignment will be included in the proposed firmware RFID system.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究動機與背景 1
1-2論文架構與章節安排 3
第二章 系統規劃與設計 5
2-1停車場管理系統 6
2-1-1停車場出入口管理 7
2-1-2停車卡儲值系統 8
2-2電子錢包功能 14
2-2-1電子錢包消費功能 15
2-2-2電子錢包退款功能 17
2-3軟體管理程式資料比對 20
2-4韌體辨識介面 21
2-5硬體驅動電路 25
第三章 理論與技術探討 28
3-1無線射頻辨識系統 28
3-2 RFID原理與架構 28
3-2-1標籤 29
3-2-2讀寫器 30
3-2-3工作頻率範圍 31
3-3應用程式 31
3-3-1資料庫管理應用程式 32
3-3-2網路攝影儲存影像應用程式 34
3-4韌體介面 36
第四章 系統實現 42
4-1使用器材及資源 42
4-2系統展示 46
4-2-1停車場出入口管理 46
4-2-2資料庫管理 51
4-2-3停車卡儲值系統 53
4-2-4電子錢包消費功能 55
4-2-5電子錢包退款功能 57
第五章 結論 58
參考文獻 60
簡歷 64
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