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論文名稱(外文):Optical diagnosis of surface features in holographic optical element
外文關鍵詞:differential confocal microscopyholographic optical element
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利用差動共焦顯微術對奈米級表面起伏的敏感性、及非侵入性、非破壞性、非接觸性等優勢,量測出幾種樣品的表面輪廓(例如:微透鏡、高分子膜、一維光柵和二維光子晶體)。並藉由最大可能估計法(maximum-likelihood estimation algorithm,MLE)來提升影像的橫向解晰度。
In this thesis, a homemade differential confocal microscopy (DCM) in upright configuration was constructed successfully. The setup of the system, specification of the elements, optical beam path configurations are described in this thesis. Using light wavelength of 632.8nm, objective lens of 0.8 numerical aperture, axial and lateral resolution can reached to 4.2nm and 422 nm respectively, and dynamic range reached to 500 nm. The axial resolution of DCM is mainly limited by system noises, including mechanical vibration, optical background and electric noises. After noise was well excluded, the measured signal to noise ratio (SNR) reached to 75.7dB.
Using the nanometer depth sensitivity of DCM, we measured the surface profile of several devices (e.g. microlens, polymer membrane, one-dimensional phase grating and two-dimensional photonic crystal) in non-invasive, non-contact, and non-destroy method. The lateral resolution of the topographic images is further enhanced by maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) algorithm.
Chapter 1 Introduction.....................................1

Chapter 2 Material & Method................................4
2.1 Optical Setup..........................................4
2.2 Measurement principle.................................11
2.3 Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) algorithm.........17

Chapter 3 System calibration..............................19
3.1 The correction of the piezoelectric device............19
3.2 Axial resolution......................................23
3.3 Lateral resolution....................................26
3.4 Signal-to-noise ratio.................................28

Chapter 4 Results.........................................29
4.1 Microlens.............................................29
4.2 Polymer Membrane......................................30
4.3 1-D Phase Grating.....................................31
4.4 2-D Photonic crystal..................................34
4.5 lateral resolution improvement........................36

Chapter 5 Discussion and conclusion.......................39

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