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研究生(外文):Ya-Chi Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Design of Intelligent Pets of a Healing Type for Depression Prevention and Pressure Release
指導教授(外文):Shan-Pa Pai
外文關鍵詞:Intelligent petdepression preventiontoy designhealing characteristicsstress
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1. 造型朝向可愛的設計。
2. 針對於憂鬱症患者可以成為傾聽陪伴的支持系統。
3. 音樂、精油的設計,可以抑制壓力荷爾蒙的釋出,達到紓壓的效果。
4. 撒嬌行為與鼓勵的互動,可以達到心情的調適影響。
5. 絨毛的外皮設計較吸引人。
The prevalence of healing-type toys in recent years is a reflection of current social values and trends. As the misery index increases with soaring commodity prices, products of a healing type have become more and more popular, but with mixed response on their effects. In view of this phenomenon, the present study discusses the connotation of healing-type toy designs. Focusing on intelligent pets having pressure-releasing functions, this study aims to explore the effects of healing-type intelligent pets in depression prevention and pressure release, so as to promote more diversified toy designs. According to the literature, the demand for stress-relief products has increased in Taiwan as the adult population feels more pressure in daily life. The misery index has increased not only because of high commodity prices, but also due to changes in social environment and people’s way of life (low birth rate, an aging society, etc.). It is therefore worthwhile to understand the meaning and healing design of toys having healing characteristics. This study examines the causes of depression, the comforting characteristics of Japanese companion robots and the stress-relieving effects of music and essential oils, before delving into practical design. From questionnaire survey results and interviews with related experts, the following conclusions are obtained regarding the preliminary features of healing-type stress-relief intelligent pet modeling:
1. The modeling trend is towards cute and adorable designs.
2. An intelligent pet can become a support system for people suffering from depression as a listening companion.
3. A design integrated with music and essential oils inhibits secretion of stress hormone and therefore produces pressure-releasing effects.
4. An interaction between spoiled behaviors and encouragement contributes to adjustment of mood.
5. A furry exterior design is more appealing.
This result verifies that the design of healing-type intelligent pets conforms to theories in previous studies in terms of modeling and interaction. The intelligent pets not only have the visual features and characteristics of healing-type robots, but also help release stress. It is suggested that more accessories will be designed in future studies for users to assemble, so as to enhance affinity and interaction with the intelligent pets. As introductory research on healing-type intelligent pets, this study hopefully has high reference value and provides concrete suggestions for toy designs in the future.
謝誌 I
摘要 II
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究背景與目的 3
第三節 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 探討「癒す」的起源發展 7
第二節 電子寵物玩具的發展要素 10
一、 療傷電子寵物玩具的由來及發展 10
二、 多感官功能的電子寵物 12
三、 療傷系機器人的釋義 16
四、 小結 19
第三節 憂鬱症的相關因素及醫學在心理層面治療憂鬱症的方法 20
一、 憂鬱症的時代 20
二、 解開憂鬱之迷 22
三、 憂鬱症的心理治療 24
四、 Dysthymic Disorder 輕度憂鬱症 26
五、 小結 27
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究架構與流程 29
第二節 研究工具 31
第三節 研究方法與研究對象 35
一、 文獻分析法 35
二、 深度訪談法 35
三、 問卷調查法 35
第四節 研究對象 36
一、 療傷電子寵物涵蓋的領域 36
二、 訪談對象 37
三、 問卷調查對象 37
第四章 療傷型電子寵物之創作結果 39
第一節 電子寵物創作理念 39
一、 情感與壓力 39
二、 親密感與電子寵物 40
三、 音樂療法-豎琴 40
四、 精油療法 41
第二節 創作流程 42
一、 資料收集 42
二、 研究使用之設備與元件 44
三、 創作媒材 47
第三節 作品說明 48
第五章 研究結果與討論 61
第一節 問卷調查分析與建議 61
一、 研究對象與假設 61
二、 問卷分析與結果 62
第二節 專家訪談分析結果 71
一、 電子寵物在設計美學上以及心理層面的分析 71
二、 防治憂鬱症的方法與原理分析 74
第三節 小結 76
第六章 結論與建議 80
第一節 研究結論 80
第二節 建議與未來展望 80
參考文獻 82
附錄目次 85
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香草魔法學院 http://www.herbcare.com.tw/
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