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研究生(外文):Sung Kun-Lin
論文名稱(外文):Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Conformity:The Moderating Role of Self-esteem
指導教授(外文):Fang Wen-Chung
外文關鍵詞:Electronic Word-of-MouthSender’s ExpertiseConformitySelf-esteem
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研究結果顯示網路口碑將影響消費者從眾行為,且負面之口碑影響力顯著大於正面之口碑。而負面口碑若由專業之傳播者傳播,其對從眾之影響力將最為重大。此外, 在自尊方面之研究,在負面網路口碑下,不論自尊程度高低,皆對從眾無影響,表示負面口碑影響程度相當大。
Previous studies seldom examine the relationship between electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and conformity. Moreover, most research neglects the moderating effect of self-esteem. Results are based on empirical data from 249 participants, and are generated by T-test and ANOVA the method. Results show that eWOM actually improve consumer conformity. In addition, the effect of eWOM on consumer conformity is significantly associated with the self-esteem. These findings sharpen the understanding of the relationship between eWOM and consumer conformity.
1 Introduction 1
2 Literature Review and Hypotheses 4
2.1 Conformity 4
2.2 Word-of-Mouth(WOM)and eWOM 6
2.3 Valence of eWOM and Consumer Conformity 9
2.4 Expertise of eWOM and Consumer Conformity 10
2.5 Self-esteem 12
3.1 Research Framework 13
3.2 Experiment Procedure 15
3.3 Participants 17
3.4 Measures 19
3.5 Reliability 20
3.6 Validity 21
4.1 The Valence of eWOM Affect Consumer Conformity 22
4.2 The Expertise of eWOM Affects Consumer Conformity 23
4.3 Which Is the Best Type of eWOM to Consumer Conformity? 24
4.4 The Moderated Role of Self-esteem between eWOM and Conformity. 26
5.1 Conclusions and Managerial Implication 28
5.2 Limitations and Directions for Future Research 29
Reference 31
Appendix 1 Questionnaire Items 37
Appendix 2 Web Page: Introduce Restaurant 42
1 Introduction 1
2 Literature Review and Hypotheses 4
2.1 Conformity 4
2.2 Word-of-Mouth(WOM)and eWOM 6
2.3 Valence of eWOM and Consumer Conformity 9
2.4 Expertise of eWOM and Consumer Conformity 10
2.5 Self-esteem 12
3.1 Research Framework 13
3.2 Experiment Procedure 15
3.3 Participants 17
3.4 Measures 19
3.5 Reliability 20
3.6 Validity 21
4.1 The Valence of eWOM Affect Consumer Conformity 22
4.2 The Expertise of eWOM Affects Consumer Conformity 23
4.3 Which Is the Best Type of eWOM to Consumer Conformity? 24
4.4 The Moderated Role of Self-esteem between eWOM and Conformity. 26
5.1 Conclusions and Managerial Implication 28
5.2 Limitations and Directions for Future Research 29
Reference 31
Appendix 1 Questionnaire Items 37
Appendix 2 Web Page: Introduce Restaurant 42

List of Figures
Fiqure.1 Conceptual Framework Framework 14
Fiqure.2 Process of experiment 17

List of Tables
Table. 1 The Type of eWOM 16
Table. 2 T-test for P-eWOM & N-eWOM 23
Table. 3 T-test ANOVA Result 23
Table. 4 T-test for Expertise & Non-expertise 24
Table. 5 ANONVA Result 24
Table. 6 ANOVA Result 25
Table. 7 Result of the Post Hoc Test 25
Table. 8 ANOVA Result for four Groups 26
Table. 9 Regression Analysis 27
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