The development of BOT requires huge capital expenditure and a long time period to operate. Lots of unanticipated changes make investment risks increase. Therefore, it is of great importance to use professional assessments of the potential benefits. Due to the amount of economic data and other variable factors, the emergence of computerized management of static financial data has benefited analysis. However, even with the computerized technology improvements it is difficult to fully interpret the data and avoid dynamic risks. The conclusions drawn from the “BOT Investment Benefits Model” research should reduce the likelihood of aforementioned problems from occurring.
The concept of the “BOT Investment Benefits Model” is based on the rule of 80/20 of economic theory and uses this model on value engineering and risk management. The study includes personal accounts of individuals involved in the building of infrastructure and integrates the study of the BOT investment plan. Using the “BOT Triangle Equilibrium Planning” to check the “BOT Investment Benefits Model” can bring about a new concept of investment incentives of financial costs to work from. The professional financial analysis and operating assessment of the factors that affect financial costs will determine the validity of the report. The analysis of the use BOT for the dormitories at National Taiwan University supports the thesis. This study focuses on investment proposals as well as building and operating planning to prove the thesis. Investigating the data of financial index following the checking steps and using the professional financial analysis and assessment again will further legitimize the thesis. The conclusion of the study found that: a) educational facilities originally are duty-free and BOT increased the burden of university students. This was the main problem with using BOT on university dormitories; b) different conditions for investment will lead to different benefits; c) we can find the planning capacity of individual cases and the risks involved. These three results prove that the “BOT Investment Benefits Model” is valuable and works. Before choosing the appropriate bid, a “The Third Professional Assessment” checking mechanism should be established to receive them. This will assist the government in making the right choice and decrease investment risks for companies. Using “BOT Investment Benefits Model” will protect the customer’s rights and also benefits society.