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研究生(外文):Chih-Tsai Wang
論文名稱(外文):Financial Evaluation Model for University Dormitories BOT Projects
指導教授(外文):Advisor:Sy-Jye Guo, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:Value EngineeringBOT Triangle Equilibrium PlanningRisks ManagementThe Third Professional Assessment
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The development of BOT requires huge capital expenditure and a long time period to operate. Lots of unanticipated changes make investment risks increase. Therefore, it is of great importance to use professional assessments of the potential benefits. Due to the amount of economic data and other variable factors, the emergence of computerized management of static financial data has benefited analysis. However, even with the computerized technology improvements it is difficult to fully interpret the data and avoid dynamic risks. The conclusions drawn from the “BOT Investment Benefits Model” research should reduce the likelihood of aforementioned problems from occurring.

The concept of the “BOT Investment Benefits Model” is based on the rule of 80/20 of economic theory and uses this model on value engineering and risk management. The study includes personal accounts of individuals involved in the building of infrastructure and integrates the study of the BOT investment plan. Using the “BOT Triangle Equilibrium Planning” to check the “BOT Investment Benefits Model” can bring about a new concept of investment incentives of financial costs to work from. The professional financial analysis and operating assessment of the factors that affect financial costs will determine the validity of the report. The analysis of the use BOT for the dormitories at National Taiwan University supports the thesis. This study focuses on investment proposals as well as building and operating planning to prove the thesis. Investigating the data of financial index following the checking steps and using the professional financial analysis and assessment again will further legitimize the thesis. The conclusion of the study found that: a) educational facilities originally are duty-free and BOT increased the burden of university students. This was the main problem with using BOT on university dormitories; b) different conditions for investment will lead to different benefits; c) we can find the planning capacity of individual cases and the risks involved. These three results prove that the “BOT Investment Benefits Model” is valuable and works. Before choosing the appropriate bid, a “The Third Professional Assessment” checking mechanism should be established to receive them. This will assist the government in making the right choice and decrease investment risks for companies. Using “BOT Investment Benefits Model” will protect the customer’s rights and also benefits society.
口試委員會審定書 i
誌謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
第 壹 章:緒論 1
2.1、研究動機 1
2.2、研究目的 2
2.3、研究範圍 3
2.4、研究限制 4
2.5、預期成果 5
2.6、研究流程設計 5

第 貳 章:研究背景說明 7
2.1、BOT簡介說 7
2.1.1、BOT的定義及功能 7
2.1.2、BOT歷史背景與法源之探討 8
2.1.3、BOT的相關作業規劃與審查 11
2.2、大學政策的變革與BOT風潮 15
2.2.1、大學經營環境與大專院校的消長 15
2.2.2、大學法與校務基金的影響 17
2.2.3、90年代大學宿舍BOT的風潮與轉變 18
2.3、BOT投資規劃問題與爭議 21
2.3.1、各階段人員對BOT風險之影響 21
2.3.2、BOT專案管理領域的風險因子 22
2.3.3、國內BOT問題爭議案例 23
2.4、小結 27

第 參 章:建構「BOT投資效益檢測模式」 28
3.1、BOT投資效益檢測目的與模式建構說明 28
3.1.1、模式建構的理念基礎與立場目的 29
3.1.2、模式檢測流程說明 30
3.2、「BOT三角均衡規劃」的邏輯概念 31
3.2.1、空間動態思考設計與靜態財務目標管理的轉換 32
3.2.2、公部門投資廠商與消費者的三角均衡 33
3.2.3、消費價格投資報酬與權利條件之關係 34
3.2.4、三點變動對BOT效益之影響 34
3.3、「BOT三角均衡規劃」的原則考量 36
3.3.1、影響財務成本的重大假設考量 36
3.3.1 A、投資誘因經濟規模評估 36
3.3.1 B、權利年限與折舊之探討 38
3.3.1 C、利率設定與物價之探討 39
3.3.1 D、地租權利金與稅負探討 39
3.3.2、獎勵投資財務成本新概念 40
3.3.2 A、獎勵的公平效益探討 41
3.3.2.B、長期固定成本與變動成本考量 41
3.3.2.C、經營年限房屋加速折舊 42
3.3.2.D、獎勵投資報酬列損益兩平 42
3.3.3、價值工程規劃與風險預防 44
3.3.3.A、規劃小組專業的同步整合 44
3.3.3.B、風險預防與合約規範及保險 45
3.4、檢測報告的功能目的 46
3.5、小結 46

第 肆 章:個案研究套用分析驗證 48
4.1、台大學生宿舍BOT案(套用分析) 49
4.1.1、台大學生宿舍BOT投資計畫評估 49
4.1.1 A、環境評估與市場分析 50
4.1.1 B、原計畫假設條件分析 51
4.1.1 C、興建計畫與需求設計 52
4.1.2、台大學生宿舍BOT營運財務報表分析 53
4.1.2 A、台大學生宿舍BOT財務收支概算體檢 53
4.1.2 B、資金比例與融資償還計畫分析 54
4.1.2 C、台大學生宿舍BOT財務指標檢測 54
4.1.3、套用檢測重點修正建議 56
4.1.3 A、套用分析財報總體檢 56
4.1.3 B、科目規格化財務效益檢測 58
4.1.3 C、多方式開發價值工程數據驗證 64
4.1.4、檢測報告 66
4.2、大學宿舍案評估比較驗證 67
4.2.1、清華大學訪談專案分析 68
4.2.2、中正大學第三期學生宿舍BOT案 71
4.2.3、中興大學女生宿舍(誠軒大樓)案 72
4.2.4、政治大學第二國際學生宿舍新建案 73
4.2.5、嘉義大學蘭潭BOT學生宿舍案 74
4.2.6、多校投資方案價值工程比較驗證 75
4.3、小結 76

第 伍 章:結論與建議 78
5.1、結論 78
5.2、研究建議 79
參考文獻: 80

1、預估資產債表 (新舊對照) 4頁
2、預估損益表 (新舊對照) 3頁
3、預估現金流量表(新舊對照) 4頁
4、預估股東權益變動表(新舊對照) 4頁
5、新貸款計算表 1頁
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(7). 胡仲英,BOT理論與實務,孫運璿學術基金會,1999。
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(12).賴士葆,工程經濟~資金分配理論,華泰文化, 1987。
(14).羅建龍,「BOT營運績效評估模式研究與建立」, 2000,
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