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研究生(外文):Yen-Cheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):Internal measurements of 3D granular motions and granular temperature in solid-liquid flows
指導教授(外文):Herve Capart
外文關鍵詞:3Dgranular temperaturesolid-liquid flows
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Steady, uniform, and free-surface flows of concentrated solid-liquid mixtures are studied experimentally by using a moving belt flume and stereo imaging methods. Measurements of particle motions inside the flows are obtained by using refractive index matched liquid and solid materials, and illuminating a subset of fluorescent particles using black light. The 3D positions of the particles are tracked using stereoscopic imaging. By capturing the trajectories of the fluorescent particles, we obtain measurements of mean velocity distribution, and for the first time, measurements of the granular temperature inside the flows. These measurements are compared with the predictions of kinetic theory.
誌謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
Contents vi
Figure list 1
Table list 4
1. Introduction 5
2. Experimental facility 8
2.1 Flume, conveyer belt, and liquid recirculation system 9
2.2 Liquid and solid materials 10
2.3 Imaging tools 12
2.4 Viewpoint calibration 14
2.5 Viewpoint optimization 17
2.6 Experimental procedure and conditions 20
3. Image and data processing 22
3.1 2D-tracking 23
3.2 3D tracking 31
3.3 Statistical data processing 35
4. Results for individual runs 45
4.1 N15Q30U1 46
4.2 N15Q30U5 48
4.3 N15Q30U9 50
4.4 N25Q30U1 52
4.5 N25Q30U5 54
4.6 N25Q30U9 56
5. Comparison and interpretation 58
5.1 Comparison of different runs 59
5.2 Shear and normal stress calculation 61
5.3 Comparison with kinetic theory 63
Conclusions 65
Reference 67
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