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研究生(外文):Yuan-Sung Chang
論文名稱(外文):Optimizing Laser Therapy Design for Heat Shock Protein and Injury Expression
外文關鍵詞:heat shock proteinlaser therapyoptimizing
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雷射熱治療是一種藉由雷射產生高溫來破壞腫瘤細胞的癌症治療方式,但其治療效果卻會因為熱休克蛋白(heat shock protein,簡稱HSP)的形成而受到影響。HSP為生物體受熱時,由體內細胞所合成的一種保護性蛋白質,具有幫助生物體恢復已變性之蛋白質以及增加細胞之耐熱性等功能。一般來說,健康細胞與腫瘤細胞在受熱後皆會產生HSP,因此,若能透過適當的模型來探討生物體內之HSP表現情況,將有助於雷射熱治療在臨床上的應用。
Hyperthermia therapy is a type of cancer treatment on the use of laser to generate high temperature to damage and kill the tumor cells. Nevertheless, the curative effect of such therapy is influenced by the formation of heat shock proteins (HSP). HSP are a group of protective proteins produced by cells while the body is exposed to elevated temperatures, which have the functions to restore the denatured proteins and enhance the heat resistance of cells. Generally speaking, both healthy cells and tumor cells will synthesis HSP under heat, and therefore it is contributive to the clinical application of hyperthermia therapy to investigate and analyze the expression of HSP in body tissues by an adequate model.
This work presents the simulations for three different examples by means of single laser and multi-laser, respectively. Through the procedure of optimization, the optimal treatments for corresponding examples are found, which not only restrain the expression of HSP in tumor cells to cause them the anticipant thermal damage, but also encourage the expression of HSP in healthy cells to mitigate their injury. The first two examples are about the external and internal laser treatments for a regular-shaped tumor, whereas the third example involves the external laser treatment for an irregular -shaped tumor. Results of those three examples have all shown that the tumor cells are effectively damaged while the thermal damage to healthy cells is varied with different operating modes of laser treatment. In the main, the curative effect of multi-laser is better than that of single laser, especially for the irregular-shaped tumors. It is because the use of multi-laser is easier to govern the temperature distribution as well as the damage degree and the expression of HSP in body cells.
口試委員會審定書........................................ i
誌謝.................................................... iii
摘要.................................................... v
Abstract................................................ vii

1 緒論 1
1.1 前言.............................................. 1
1.2 雷射與雷射熱效應.................................. 2
1.3 熱休克蛋白HSP..................................... 4
1.4 文獻回顧.......................................... 8
1.5 研究動機與目的.................................... 8
1.6 組織章節.......................................... 9

2 雷射熱治療最佳化模組建構 11
2.1 模擬流程介紹...................................... 11
2.2 雷射操作參數...................................... 12
2.3 光學模型(Optical Model)........................... 13
2.4 熱傳模型(Thermal Model)........................... 14
2.5 熱傷害模型(Damage Model).......................... 18
2.6 HSP模型(HSP Expression Model)..................... 20
2.7 最佳化模型(Optimization Model).................... 24

3 模型之樣本模擬暨模擬結果分析與討論(一) 29
3.1 模擬與最佳化軟體介紹.............................. 29
3.2 例一之單點雷射設計模擬............................ 30
3.2.1 例一模型之單點雷射設計模擬結果分析與討論.... 33
3.3 例一之多點雷射設計模擬............................ 35
3.3.1 例一模型之多點雷射設計模擬結果分析與討論.... 37

4 模型之樣本模擬暨模擬結果分析與討論(二) 43
4.1 例二之單點雷射設計模擬............................ 43
4.1.1 例二模型之單點雷射設計模擬結果分析與討論.... 47
4.2 例二之多點雷射設計模擬............................ 50
4.2.1 例二模型之多點雷射設計模擬結果分析與討論.... 51

5 放寬限制式模擬暨模擬結果分析與討論 57
5.1 放寬限制式之情境模擬.............................. 57
5.2 例一模型之放寬限制式模擬結果分析與討論............ 58
5.3 例二模型之放寬限制式模擬結果分析與討論............ 61

6 模型之樣本模擬暨模擬結果分析與討論(三) 65
6.1 例三之單點雷射設計模擬............................ 65
6.1.1 例三模型之單點雷射設計模擬結果分析與討論.... 66
6.2 例三之多點雷射設計模擬............................ 69
6.2.1 例三模型之多點雷射設計模擬結果分析與討論.... 70

7 結論與未來展望 77
7.1 結論.............................................. 77
7.2 未來展望.......................................... 79

參考文獻................................................ 81
作者簡歷................................................ 85
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