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研究生(外文):Ti-Chiang Chueh
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Conductivity and Preparation for Silver-plated Graphite Particles/Silver Nanopowders Composite Conductive Adhesives
指導教授(外文):Shi-Chern Yen
外文關鍵詞:Conductive adhesiveselectroless platingpolyanilinesilver nanopowders
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製備導電粒子實驗方面先將平均粒徑為0.982 μm的扁平雪片狀石墨粉GS-75無電鍍銀,將無電鍍銀的程序分成兩組,一組有敏化活化,另一組不經敏化活化步驟;接著再由XRD觀察無電鍍銀後的微粒可知無論有敏化活化與否在鍍銀石墨粉GS-75/Ag表面皆產生Ag與幫助電性導通的Ag2O。由ICP觀察石墨粉無電鍍銀鍍上的量,可發現經敏化活化步驟的GS-75/Ag表面吸附銀的量明顯較未敏化活化步驟來的多。
在製備導電膠實驗方面發現石墨微粒經過無電鍍銀,且加入聚苯胺溶液和硫醇當分散劑之後,電阻係數ρ會下降,故GS-75在鍍銀且加入聚苯胺溶液後最低之電阻係數可達3 x 10-4ohm-cm。固化溫度在200°C之後,電阻係數便趨於穩定不再下降。接著我們再將部份GS75/Ag微米級導電粒子置換為平均粒徑為100nm的奈米銀,研究結果指出在GS75/Ag:Ag nanopowder 重量百分比為 8 :2時, 其電阻係數ρ測得為7.7 x 10-5ohm-cm,此值為本研究最佳結果。
The thesis was divided into four parts. The first part of study was preparing polyaniline. The second part of study was preparing conductive particles. The third part of study was preparing electrically conductive adhesives (ECAs). The fourth part was alternating some silver-plated conductive particles to Ag nanopowders which the average radius is 100nm. In the experiments, polyaniline was characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and the molecular weight of polyaniline was measured by GPC. The particle size and surface morphology were developed by particle size instrument and SEM. We also analyzed whether silver was electroless plated on particles surface or not and plated weight by XRD and ICP. Finally, we prepared ECAs and investaged the effect of changing the compound of conductive particles on resistivity.
In the study, polyaniline was prepared and synthesized at 0°C. The molecular weight of polyaniline is 3756. UV–vis spectra of the emeraldine form of polyanoline shows two peaks, 320nm and 640nm. They are the characteristic peaks of the emeraldine form of PANI. After we synthesized the emeraldine form of polyaniline, we doped it by using different doping acids(HCl、HBr、HNO3、H3PO4、DBSA、CH3COOH、HOCH2COOH) and then we solved it in DMSO to measure its conductivity and solubility.
In our research of preparing conductive particles, we took the 0.982 μm flake graphite(GS-75) to plate silver electrolessly. We found that there are Ag and Ag2O on GS-75/Ag particles surface by XRD. ICP analysis shows that there are more silver coated on GS-75 surface by electroless plating process with sensitization and activation than the process without sensitization and activation.
In the study of preparing electrically conductive adhesives, we can find resistivity ρ decline to 3 x 10-4 ohm-cm after plating silver electrolessly and adding polyaniline solution. The best cruing temperature of ECAs was 200°C. Finally, GS-75/Ag particles were partly alternated to 100nm Ag nanopowders. As the ratio of GS-75/Ag to 100nm Ag is 8:2, and the filling of conductive particles is 60 wt%, the lowest resisticity ρ 7.7 x 10-5 ohm-cm is represented. This is the best resistivity in this thesis.
摘要 I
Abstract III
圖表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目標 3
第二章 文獻回顧與導電機制 4
2-1 導電性高分子 4
2-2奈米導電粒子的合成 10
2-3 無電電鍍的介紹 13
2-4 聚苯胺 15
2-5 導電膠 20
2-6 導電膠的導電機構 29
2-7 影響導電膠導電度的因素 32
第三章 實驗內容 35
3-1 實驗藥品與材料 35
3-2 實驗設備與儀器 37
3-3實驗流程圖 43
3-4實驗方法 47
第四章 結果與討論 53
4-1 聚苯胺分析 53
Polyaniline之UV-Vis光譜 53
Polyaniline分子量 55
4-2聚苯胺溶液導電度及溶解度量測 56
4-3導電粒子分析 58
粒徑分析 58
SEM分析 59
奈米銀粒子與石墨表面鍍銀粒子之XRD分析 60
ICP分析鍍銀石墨粒子之銀含量 62
4-4導電膠分析 63
DSC分析 63
導電粒子敏化活化與否對導電膠電阻係數的影響 64
加入硫醇當分散劑與否對電阻係數的影響 68
聚苯胺溶液用量對電阻係數的影響 72
固化溫度對導電度的影響 74
改變導電粒子組成對導電度影響 75
第五章 結論 80
參考文獻 82
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