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研究生(外文):Hsin Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Interaction between S4 and Inactivation Ball in Shaker Potassium Channels
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The Shaker K+ channel is a member of the voltage-gated K+ channels which are composed of four subunits. Each subunit is a polypeptide which has six transmembrane segments(S1~S6), with the C- and N-terminals both located intracellularly. The pore domain is composed of S5 and S6, whereas S4 has been considered as the voltage sensor which contains regularly spaced basic amino acids and may regulate the gating of the channel by sensing the change of membrane potential. The Shaker K+ channel tends to be inactivated after activation, and there are two mechanisms of inactivation:P/C type and N type inactivation. P/C type inactivation takes place more slowly than N type inactivation and may result from collapse of the outer part of the pore. On the other hand, N type inactivation is resulted from the inactivation ball which is probably formed by the N-terminal. In L366W, the existence of the inactivation ball alters the activation curve dramatically. L366R and L366K show slow inactivation kinetics and decreased voltage dependence of inactivation. We made point mutations and double mutations on L366 and N-ter inactivation ball to probe the possible interaction between the two parts of the channel. Point mutations on L7 and Y8 to polar amino acid abolish fast inactivation but the activation curve remains similar to WT. There are also remarkable differences between WT and point mutations on A3、V4、A5 and G6 to polar amino acid in fast inactivation, including rightward shift of Vh and increase of k value of the inactivation curve, decrease of inactivation rate, and increase of the ratio between sustained current and peak current. However, point mutations on G9、L10、G11 to polar amino acid affect fast inactivation relatively weakly. In L366D, the Vh of activation curve is shifted leftward by about 37 mV without significant changes in the k value. In contrast, the k value of the inactivation curve is almost doubled. For those point mutations of inactivation ball and L366D which decrease the coupling between activation and inactivation, L366D and mutations on position 3-8 of N-terminus(inactivation ball) to arginine may reconstitute the activation-inactivation coupling, respectively. The reconstitution of the coupling is demonstrated by the significaint modulation of the manoscopic, inactivation rates by membrane voltage(and thus the “crossover” of the inactivation phase at different voltages), the decrease of the k value of inactivation curve and ratio between sustained and peak currents. We propose that there are direct interactions between the N-terminal inactivation ball(most likely A3 to Y8) and L366, possibly comprising an important molecular basis of the activation-inactivation coupling.
第一章 導論......................1
第二章 材料與方法...................9
第三章 結果......................13
第四章 討論......................21
圖1 電位開關性鉀離子通道的topology及N端、S4的胺基酸序列 29
圖2 N端L7、Y8突變之電流紀錄.............. 30
圖3 L7、Y8突變通道的活化曲線及活化速率........ 31
圖4 L366D突變通道的電流記錄與活化曲線及活化速率 ... 32
圖5 L366D突變通道的不活化曲線及不活化速率.......33
圖6 L7DL366D、L7RL366D突變通道的活化曲線及time to Peak 34
圖7 L7DL366D、L7RL366D突變通道的不活化速率及sustained
current與peak current 比例........... 35
圖8 Y8DL366D、Y8RL366D突變通道的活化曲線及活化速率及time
to peak........... 36
圖9 Y8DL366D、Y8RL366D突變通道的不活化曲線、不活化速率及
sustained current和peak current比例..... . 37
圖10 A5R、G6R突變通道的活化、不活化曲線、活化速率及電流峰
圖11 A5D、G6D突變通道的電流記錄與活化曲線及活化速率..39
圖12 G6DL366D、G6RL366D突變通道的活化曲線、time to peak40
圖13 G6DL366D、G6RL366D突變通道的不活化曲線及不活化速率及
電流峰值與殘餘電流的比例........... 41
圖14 A5DL366D、A5RL366D突變通道的活化曲線、time to peak 42
圖15 A5DL366D、A5RL366D突變通道的不活化曲線及不活化速率43
圖16 A3R、V4R突變通道的活化、不活化曲線、活化速率及電流峰
值與殘餘電流的比例............... 44
圖17 V4DL366D、V4RL366D突變通道的活化曲線、不活化曲線、
time to peak 及不活化速率............45
圖18 A3DL366D、A3RL366D突變通道的活化曲線、time to peak46
圖19 A3DL366D、A3RL366D突變通道的不活化曲線、不活化速率及
Sustained current和peak current比例...... 47
圖20 G9R、L10R、L10D突變通道的活化曲線及time to peak.48
圖21 G9R、L10R、L10D突變通道的不活化曲線及不活化速率. 49
圖22 G9DL366D、G9RL366D突變通道的活化曲線、不活化曲線、
time to peak 及不活化速率............ 50
圖23 L10DL366D、L10RL366D突變通道的活化曲線、不活化曲線、
time to peak 及不活化速率............ 51
圖24 G11R、G11D、G11RL366D、G11DL366D突變之電流記錄..52
圖25 G11D、G11R及其與L366D雙突變突變通道的活化曲線、
不活化曲線、time to peak不活化速率....... 53
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