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研究生(外文):Szu-Ying Ho
論文名稱(外文):Let’s Break Up: Breaking Up as a Process ofSocial Interaction and Identity Transformation
外文關鍵詞:breakupdissolution processinteractionidentity transformationrelational changeromantic relationshipsignificant others
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Breaking up is formerly investigated by various approaches. Some researchers developed stage models to describe the process of breaking up. In those models, there is a dyad phase in which two partners interact. This research develops a framework with two dimensions in order to interpret the contents and rules in the process of breaking up. One dimension is the consistency of the receiving/sending role. This dimension address the issue that the one sending breaking up message may or may not be the one who initiate the breaking up process. The other dimension is the directness of breaking up actions, which can be either a direct proposal or an indirect refusal to interact. Therefore, there are four interaction types in this framework. We discuss the first three interaction types in this research. Furthermore, participants interact not only with their former romantic partners, but also with their social friends for suggestions and supports, while only few participants turn to their family members, teachers and the professionals.

The second emphasis of this study is identity transformation. Identity transformation refers how two people in the relationship realized they are two separated individual, rather than a couple in a romantic relationship. As identity of relationship transform, the participants showed decreased self confidence. But after they walked through the darkness, they showed increased self-esteem. This research interviews 11 participants to collect their experiences in breaking up processes.
目 錄
第一章、問題發想與研究緣起 1
第二章、文獻回顧 3
第一節、分手研究的狀況 3
第二節、分手研究 9
第三節、社會學中的互動概念 23
第三章、問題意識、研究架構與研究方法 27
第一節、問題意識與研究架構 27
第二節、研究方法 36
第四章、分手互動的樣貌 42
第一節、分手互動的情形 42
第二節、分手過程中互動行為的改變 54
第三節、討論與小結 60
第五章、分手過程中的互動類型、規則與期待 66
第一節、從分手互動類型來看 66
第二節、從互動規則來看 80
第三節、對未來關係的期待:分手之後還能不能當朋友 87
第四節、討論與小結 91
第六章、分手作為認同意義的轉變 95
第一節、分手作為關係認同意義的轉變 95
第二節、分手作為自我意義的轉變 100
第三節、討論與小結 104
第七章、分手過程中與重要他人的互動 108
第一節、與重要他人的互動情形 108
第二節、討論與小結 116
第八章、結論:回顧與前瞻 118
參考文獻 129

圖一、分手過程圖示:從社會互動和認同轉變的角度來看 21
圖二、研究架構圖 34

表一、分手方式的描述統計 2
表二、以分手相近的關鍵字檢索出的中文論文篇數 4
表三、研究分手現象的專題研究、期刊論文 4
表四、研究分手現象的博碩士論文 5
表五、研究分手現象的英文論文 6
表六、分手現象的研究界定 10
表七、愛情關係分手歷程階段 18
表八、分手過程中概念階段的比較 19
表九、分手互動的分類 31
表十、受訪者資料 37
表十一、受訪者分手經驗:分手經驗數目與交往時間 38
表十二、受訪者分手經驗:分手經驗所在生命階段 39
表十三、分手互動類型:從受訪者的分手經驗來看 61
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