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研究生(外文):Ruan Chen-wei
論文名稱(外文):Numerical investigation of liver tumor ablation by high-intensity ultrasound
中文關鍵詞:肝腫瘤高強度超音波灌流acoustic streamingnonlinear Westervelt equation
外文關鍵詞:liver tumoracoustics-thermal-fluidhigh-intensity ultrasoundperfusionconvective coolingacoustic streamingnonlinear Westervelt equation
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This study is aimed to predict the temperature near a liver tumor using the proposed acoustics-thermal-fluid coupling model. For capable of modeling heat absorption by tissues, the nonlinear acoustic model for simulating the high-intensity ultrasound is chosen so that wave distortion due to finite-amplitude propagation can be taken into account. The nonlinear hemodynamic model is also incorporated into the prediction of thermal dose in the physical domain, which has been split into the tissue domain, where homogenization dominates in perfusion domain and advection heat transfer is essential in the blood domain. Acoustic streaming, which may not be a negligible force in the determination of blood flow acceleration, will be also included in the present therapeutic system. In HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound), ultrasound is normally associated with the high frequency sound, which makes the calculation of acoustic pressure from the employed nonlinear Westervelt equation very expensive. This motivated us to develop a computationally very efficient alternating direction implicit scheme to solve the three dimensional wave equation by the proposed sixth-order accurate compact scheme for solving the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation.
Acknowledgements i
Abstract iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1
1-1 Basics in ultrasound 1-1
1-2 Ultrasound application in diagnostic sonography 1-3
1-3 Therapeutic ultrasound 1-3
1-3-1 High intensity focused ultrasound 1-4
1-3-2 Ultrasound drug delivery 1-5
1-4 Liver 1-6
1-5 Outlines of this study 1-7
Chapter 2 Working Equations 2-1
2-1 Nonlinear acoustic equation 2-1
2-2 Energy equation for tissue by ultrasound 2-6
2-3 Acoustic streaming hydrodynamic equations 2-7
Chapter 3 Numerical Methods 3-1
3-1 Three-point sixth-order scheme for inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation 3-1
3-2 Three-point sixth-order scheme for Westervelt equation 3-3
3-3 Verification of the Helmholtz scheme 3-4
3-3-1 One-dimensional Helmholtz equation 3-5
3-3-2 Three-dimensional Helmholtz equation 3-6
3-3-3 Analytic validation of Westervelt equation 3-8
Chapter 4 Incident Ultrasonic Field 4-1
4-1 Modeling of incident ultrasound wave 4-1
4-2 Radiation boundary condition 4-10
4-3 Boundary conditions for liver model and vessel 4-15
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion 5-1
Chapter 6 Concluding remarks 6-1
Appendix 1 - 1 -
Appendix 2 - 13 -
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