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研究生(外文):Tin-Hsi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Accounting for News in the Banking Industry: Impact of Earnings Management
指導教授(外文):Chi-Chun Liu
外文關鍵詞:ConservatismEarnings ManagementBanking IndustryTimelinessAsymmetryStock ReturnsNet Loan Charge-offsNonperforming Assets
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Basu (1997) defines conservatism as the accountant’s tendency to require a higher degree of verification for recognizing good news than bad news in financial statements. Under his interpretation of conservatism, earnings will reflect bad news more quickly than good news. Basu calls the differential timeliness of earnings response to bad news versus good news the asymmetric timeliness of earnings and uses it as a measure of conservatism. In this paper, I choose changes in net loan charge-offs and changes in nonperforming assets as two news indicators in addition to stock returns for testing asymmetric timeliness of earnings in the banking industry. By observing the timeliness of earnings response to changes in net loan charge-offs or nonperforming assets, I obtain evidence of management manipulation in the banking industry. Although the normal relation between contemporaneous earnings and returns can still be maintained, I don’t think accounting conservatism can better be captured unless the effect of management manipulation is filtered out and the purpose of accounting is well defined.
I. Introduction 1
II. Concept of Conservatism and Differences Between Two Types of News Indicators 4
Concept of conservatism 4
Changes in net loan charge-offs and changes in nonperforming assets as news indicators in the banking industry 7
Differences between two types of news indicators 11
III. Research Design 13
a. Good news timeliness of earnings 16
a.1 Non-intensive management manipulation revealed by news indicators 17
a.2 Intensive management manipulation revealed by news indicators 18
a.3 Highly-intensive management manipulation revealed by news indicators 18
b. Bad news timeliness of earnings 18
b.1 Non-intensive management manipulation revealed by news indicators 20
b.2 Intensive management manipulation revealed by news indicators 20
b.3 Highly-intensive management manipulation revealed by news indicators 20
c. Asymmetric timeliness of earnings 20
c.1 No asymmetry 21
c.2 Non-intensive management manipulation revealed by news indicators 21
c.3 Intensive or highly-intensive management manipulation revealed by news indicators 21
d. Incremental explanatory power beyond that provided by stock returns 22
d.1 No incremental explanatory power 22
d.2 Incremental explanatory power 23
IV. Sample Data and Descriptive Statistics 23
V. Empirical Results 25
a. Good news timeliness of earnings 26
b. Bad news timeliness of earnings 29
c. Asymmetric timeliness of earnings 32
d. Incremental explanatory power beyond that provided by stock returns 35
VI. Concluding Remarks 37
References 39
Appendix: Summary of Data Fields Used 69
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