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研究生(外文):Jui-Che Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Part-time Job on College Entrance and Employment:A Case Study on Secondary Education Student in Northern Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:teenage employmenteducation trackingmultinomial logit modelmultinomial probit model
  • 被引用被引用:14
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本研究之主要目的是利用中央研究院社會學所的年度計畫-「青少年成長歷程研究」自2000年以來逐年所匯集之問卷資料以multinomial logit model和multinomial probit model分析高中(職)學生之在學打工行為、地域差異及家庭背景因素對於其日後之就學與就業選擇之影響。
In this study we try to find out how part-time job experiences during secondary education period influence students’ college-employment choices. It’s controversy whether part-time job experience brings positive or negative effect toward students. Those who hold positive attitude toward teenage employment declare that students can acquire knowledge and skills that is not accessible in school and find their real interest though they would be more positive and aggressive toward their study. Those who oppose teenage employment indicate that for those students who work while in school will spend less time on their study and thus result in depression of their academic performance. So in the long run, teenage employment brings about negative effect toward students.
The data source of this study is Taiwan Youth Project from Academia Sinica. Our purpose is to use TYP data collected year by year since 2000 and analyzes these data by multinomial logit model and multinomial probit model to find out how teenage employment、geographic differences and family background affect secondary students’ college-employment decisions.
This study reveals that, for senior high school graduates, duration of employment during high school is negative correlated with the probability of entering general university. Female senior high school graduates is more likely to enter general university than their male counterpart; if senior high school graduates had part-time job experiences, they’ll have higher probability transferring to vocational education system and male senior high school graduates have higher probability than their female counterpart. With a higher educated father will lower probability for senior high school graduates to enter university of science and technology. With more years participation of employment during high school will raise the probability to enter labor market right after graduating from school but with a more educated father will lower such probability.
For senior vocational graduates, with more years of participation of employment during senior vocational school will lower the probability to enter university of science and technology but those with a well-educated father will raise it. For the choice of entering labor market, the study discloses that the longer duration of employment during senior vocational school, the more likely to enter labor market right after graduating from school. Senior vocational graduates come from Taipei city or are with longer duration of employment during school years will both increase the probability of delaying education.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 國內相關文獻 6
第二節 國外相關文獻 6
第三章 資料來源與實證模型 15
第一節 資料來源與特性 15
第二節 資料處理 16
第三節 基本敘述統計量 23
第四節 實證模型 30
第四章 實證分析 34
第一節 變數設定 34
第二節 實證結果 36
第五章 結論 73
第一節 綜合整理 73
第二節 未來研究發展 77
參 考 文 獻 79

圖 目 錄
圖1-1 歷年高中、高職及五專人數比較 2

表 目 錄
表2-1 在學打工行為效果之文獻總表 12
表3-1 不同教育體系的受訪者對打工行為之基本統計量 25
表3-2 來自不同地區的受訪者對打工行為的基本統計量 Ⅰ 25
表3-3 來自不同地區的受訪者對打工行為的基本統計量 Ⅱ 25
表3-4 家庭背景變數之平均統計量 29
表3-5 不同教育體系受訪者之就學及就業 29
表4-1 實證模型之變數說明 34
表4-2 高中畢業受訪者資料之I.I.A Test 40
表4-3 高職畢業受訪者資料之I.I.A Test 41
表4-4 利用multinomial logit model 之係數估計值- Model 1、高中畢業受訪者 42
表4-5 利用multinomial logit model 之係數估計值- Model 2、高中畢業受訪者 44
表4-6 利用multinomial logit model 之係數估計值- Model 3、高中畢業受訪者 46
表4-7 利用multinomial logit model 之係數估計值- Model 4、高中畢業受訪者 48
表4-8 利用multinomial logit model 之係數估計值- Model 1、高職畢業受訪者 50
表4-9 利用multinomial probit model 之係數估計值-Model 2、高職畢業受訪者 52
表4-10 利用multinomial probit model 之係數估計值- Model 3、高職畢業受訪者 54
表4-11 利用multinomial probit model 之係數估計值- Model 4、高職畢業受訪者 56
表4-12 高中和高職受訪者就學及就業邊際效果估計Ⅰ 61
表4-13 高中和高職受訪者就學及就業邊際效果估計Ⅱ 64
表4-14 Model 1與Model 2各變數邊際效果之正負號整理 68
表4-15 Model 3與Model 4各變數邊際效果之正負號整理 70
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