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研究生(外文):Meng-Ting Lu
論文名稱(外文):Collaborative Live Broadcasting over Heterogeneous P2P IPTV Networks
指導教授(外文):Homer H. Chen
外文關鍵詞:Peer-to-peer (P2P)IPTVstreamingmultiple description coding (MDC)collaborative transcodingcomplexity-aware
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As video sharing over broadband heterogeneous devices emerges, one major technical issue is how to disseminate video efficiently. To address this issue, we develop NTUStreaming, an overlay P2P-based IPTV system that integrates innovations in both overlay networking and video coding for optimal user experience. The system consists of three key components: partnership formation, robust video coding, and video segment request scheduling. For partnership formation, a graph construction mechanism TYPHOON based on epidemic algorithms is developed to reduce disconnect time and isolated peers. For robust video coding, a multiple description coding (MDC) scheme with spatial-temporal hybrid interpolation (STHI) is proposed to adjust streaming traffic according to the bandwidth and device capability of each peer. For request scheduling, an optimization algorithm is developed by taking the available bandwidth and the video segment type into account.
When streaming live videos to heterogeneous devices, the computing support for live video broadcasting becomes a challenge since real-time video encoding is not completely feasible. This shifts the bottleneck of video delivery from network delay to computational lag that strongly affects the quality of live video streaming. To solve this problem, NTUStreaming is integrated with collaborative transcoding and complexity-aware video adaptation to enable the support of live video broadcasting of multiple channels. For collaborative transcoding, we exploit the peering architecture of NTUStreaming and make the computational resources of video sources and receivers sharable. In this new content delivery paradigm, the video transcoding task is strategically distributed over the peers and completed collaboratively. We also develop a complexity-aware video adaptation scheme to adjust the computational resource of each channel based on the priority and video quality when a node needs to handle multiple live video streams. A prototype is implemented and evaluated over a 100-node testbed on the PlanetLab. Experimental results show that NTUStreaming is able to deliver optimal video quality in lossy and dynamic networking environments. In addition, collaborative transcoding works effectively even when the mass majority of the peers have limited computational resource and bandwidth, and complexity-aware video adaptation can accurately adjust the computational resource.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contributions 5
1.3 Organization 7
Chapter 2 Partnership Formation Protocol – TYPHOON 8
2.1 Protocol Description 8
2.2 Evaluation 13
2.2.1 Stability Evaluation 15
2.2.2 Comparison between SCAMP and TYPHOON over Both Static and Dynamic Networks 18
Chapter 3 Multiple Description Coding with Spatial-Temporal Hybrid Interpolation (MDC-STHI) 21
3.1 Overview of MDC-STHI 24
3.2 Encoder & Decoder Architecture 29
3.2.1 Spatial Interpolation 31
3.2.2 Temporal Interpolation 32
3.2.3 Weight Determination 32
3.3 Comparison between MDC-STHI and LVC 33
3.4 Multiple Description Coding Evaluation 37
Chapter 4 System Integration 42
4.1 Integration 42
4.2 Segment Scheduling 45
4.3 Evaluation 47
4.3.1 Simulation 47
4.3.2 Evaluation on A Small-Scale Testbed 50
4.3.3 Evaluation on PlanetLab 55
Chapter 5 Collaborative Transcoding 56
5.1 Bottleneck of P2P Live Video Broadcasting 57
5.2 Related Work 59
5.3 System Overview 61
5.4 Computational Capability Estimation 65
5.5 Peer Information Exchange 67
5.6 Job Scheduling 69
5.6.1 Candidate Segment Selection 72
5.6.2 Transcoding Job Scheduling 73
5.6.3 Source Node 74
5.7 Experimental Results 76
5.7.1 Experimental Settings and Metrics 76
5.7.2 Peers with Homogeneous Computational Resource 78
5.7.3 Peers with Heterogeneous Computational Resource 82
5.7.4 Peers with Heterogeneous Computational Resource and Bandwidth 85
5.7.5 Parameter Choices 90
Chapter 6 Complexity-Aware Video Adaptation 94
6.1 Related Work 94
6.2 System Architecture 96
6.3 Block-Based Complexity Control (BCC) 99
6.4 Complexity-Distortion Modeling 102
6.5 Available Resource Calculation 111
6.6 Globally Optimized Resource Allocation 112
6.7 Simulation Results 115
Chapter 7 Discussions and Conclusion 120
7.1 Discussions and Future Work 120
7.1.1 Locality Awareness and ISP Friendliness 120
7.1.2 Balanced Segment Request Scheduling 121
7.1.3 Network Address Translation (NAT) Traversal 121
7.1.4 Pollution Attack Prevention 122
7.1.5 Extension of Collaborative Transcoding to Support Other Codecs 123
7.1.6 Modeling 123
7.2 Conclusion 124
Chapter 8 Bibliography 126
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