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研究生(外文):Yu-Cheng Wang
論文名稱(外文):An Effective Power Management Flow inMTCMOS Design
指導教授(外文):Yao-Wen Chang
外文關鍵詞:leakage currentpower gatingDSTNwake-up timerush current
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在先進的深次微米 (deep sub-micron) 互補式金屬氧化物半導體設計製程中,漏電流 (leakage current) 以指數的速度在成長,在 65 奈米的製程上,漏電流在整個能量的消耗上更佔了幾乎接近50 %。由於奈米製程持續進化而且嵌入式系統待機時間往往較長,因此對於降低漏電的性能要求更加嚴苛,但目前在持續邁向更先進製程的發展下,漏電量將成為一大隱憂,所以如何防堵漏電問題成了一大關鍵。在許多提出減少能量消耗的理論中, 電源閘控制 (power gating) 算是最有效降低能量消耗的方法. 電源閘控制有很多種設計方式,在目前,分散式休眠電晶體系統 (Distributed Sleep Transistor Network)是最常被工業界採用的一種設計方式,在本論文中,我們提出一個方法來減少打開整體休眠電晶體的覺醒時間(Wake-up time),在所能容忍的急速電流(rush current)的限制下,並且可以降低能量的消耗。由實現結果顯示, 我們所提出的方法確實可以達到降低覺醒時間和減少電壓的壓降。以實驗數據的平均來說,覺醒時間有大約16.84%的降低;電壓的壓降則有20.25%的減少。
In the deep sub-micron CMOS technology, leakage current increases so exponentially that it becomes a significant drain on the total power consumption. In the 65 nanometer process, leakage current is expected to reach 50% of total power consumption. Due to the fact that the nanometer process changes rapidly and the embedded system has long active time, it is explicitly needed to reduce leakage power in a design. Currently, the biggest concern in the advanced technology is how to reduce the leakage power. Among various leakage reduction techniques, the power-gating technique has become one of the most effective methods in reducing leakage power in low-power designs. During the power mode transition, large rush currents may lead to malfunctions in a power gating design. Currently, many industrial power-gating designers adopt the Distributed Sleep Transistor Network (DSTN) structure to reduce rush currents. In our research, we propose an efficient method to reduce wake-up time and power consumption during the rush current constraint. Experiments show that the proposed method can effectively reduce wake-up time and improve IR drops, around 16.84% reduction in wake-up time and 20.25% reduction in IR drops on average.
論文口試委員審定書 II
論文口試委員審定書(English) III
Acknowledgement IV
Abstract (Chinese) V
Abstract VI
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables X
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Distributed Sleep Transistor Network (DSTN) Structure 3
1.2 Sleep and Active Mode of Sleep Transistor 6
1.3 Previous Works 8
1.4 Our Contributions 10
1.5 Organization of the Thesis 11
2. Problem Description 12
2.1 Wake-Up Schedule 12
2.2 Rush Current 14
2.3 Wake- Up Time 15
2.4 Problem Formulation 16
3. Design Flow 21
3.1 The PrimeRail Power Management Flow 21
3.2 Our Proposed Flow 25
4. Experiment Results 27
4.1 Case 1 27
4.2 Case 2 30
4.3 Case 3 33
4.4 Results Analysis 36
5. Conclusion and Future Work 38
5.1 Conclusion 38
5.2 Future Work 38
Bibliography 39
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