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研究生(外文):Yu-Hung Dai
論文名稱(外文):Thin Film Germanium-on-Polyimide Optoelectronic Devices and Flexibility Analysis
指導教授(外文):Chee Wee Liu
外文關鍵詞:thin film Ge MOS devicepolyimideflexible photodetectorphotovoltaic cellpMOSFETs
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In this thesis, we have demonstrated thin film Ge MOS devices on flexible substrate as polyimide using the technique of Smart-CutTM. Furthermore, we also analysis and study various properties of this type device. In order to realize the applications of thin film Ge MOS structure of flexible electronics, we have developed flexible photodetector, photovoltaic cell, and pMOSFETs.
Moreover, new mechanic setup is constructed to apply external mechanical uniaxial tensile strain. The strain leads bandgap shrinkage. The red-shift of Raman spectroscopy can be used to extract strain. The relation between responsivity enhancements versus strain is discussed, and this phenomenon verifies the characteristic curve of optical absorption coefficient of Ge. Otherwise, we can be utilized the temperature variation to perform the GOP MOS detectors for sensing application.
Finally, we utilize ANSYS to simulate GOP photodetector with mechanical uniaxial tensile strain. Furthermore, we also hope this process can be used on Silicon-on-Polyimide substrate to reduce the cost of GOP pMOSFETs that will be more conformed to current semiconductor industry.

List of Tables V
List of Figures VI

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Organization 4
References 6

Chapter 2 Fabrication of Ge-on-Polyimide MOS Devices
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 GOP Photodetector 8
2.2.1 Low Temperature Wafer Bonding Using SU-8 2100 Photo-resist 8
2.2.2 Device Layer Structure Analysis 14
2.2.3 Current Reduction by Metal Gate and Device Fabrication 17
2.3 GOP Dispensing Indium Tin Oxide Photovoltaic Cell 20
2.3.1 Low Temperature Wafer Bonding Dispensing Indium Tin Oxide 20
2.3.2 Device Layer Structure Analysis 23
2.3.3 Device Fabrication 25
2.4 GOP Schottky-barrier pMOSFETs 26
2.4.1 The TEM and Surface Roughness Analysis 26
2.4.2 One Mask Process Flow 29
2.4.3 Oxide Formation and Lithography 31
2.4.4 Gate Metal Deposition and Lift-off 35
2.4.5 Oxide Etching 37
2.4.6 Source/Drain Metal Deposition 38
2.5 Conclusion 39
References 39

Chapter 3 Performance of Ge-on-Polyimide MOS Devices
3.1 Introduction 41
3.2 Responsivity of GOP Photodetector 41
3.2.1 The Reflective Measurement and Results 41
3.2.2 The Physical Meaning 48
3.3 Conversion Efficiency η of GOP Dispensing ITO Photovoltaic Cell 52
3.4 I-V Characteristics of GOP Schottky-barrier pMOSFETs 56
3.5 Conclusion 61
References 62

Chapter 4 Flexibility Analysis
4.1 Introduction 63
4.2 Experiment Procedure and Strain-induced Effects 63
4.2.1 Experiment Installation of The Bending GOP Structure63
4.2.2 Strain-induced Raman Spectroscopy65
4.2.3 Strained GOP Photodetector 67
4.2.4 Temperature Sensing Application73
4.3 Mechanical Bending Structure Simulation Analysis with ANSYS 75
4.4 Conclusion 77
References 78

Chapter 5 Summary and Future Work
5.1 Summary 79
5.2 Suggestions for Future Work 81
References 84
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