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研究生(外文):Hung-Kai Wang
論文名稱(外文):Time Convex Hull with two Highways
指導教授(外文):Der-Tsai Lee
外文關鍵詞:time convex hullconvex hullhighwaycluster.
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在這篇論文中我們給了一個時間複雜度為θ(n log n)的演算法來去解決這個問題。
We consider the problem of computing the time convex hull of a set of n points in the presence of two straight-line highways in the plane. The traveling speed in the plane is assumed to be much slower than that along the highways. The shortest time path between two arbitrary points is either the straight-line segment connecting these two points or a path that passes through the highway(s). The time convex hull, CHt(P), of a set P of n points is the smallest set containing P such that all the shortest time paths between any two points lie in CHt(P). In this thesis we give a θ(n log n) time algorithm for solving the time convex hull problem for a set of n points in the presence of two highways.
誌謝 i
Chinese Abstract ii
English Abstract iii
1 Introduction 1
2 Preliminaries 2
2.1 Definition 2
2.2 Previous Work 4
3 Two Infinite-Speed Highways Model 7
3.1 Preprocessing 9
3.2 Finding Clusters 10
3.3 Constructing the Time Convex Hull 19
3.4 Timing Analysis 20
4 Two Highways with Same Bounded Speed Model 21
4.1 Preprocessing 24
4.2 Finding Clusters 29
4.3 Constructing Time Convex Hull 34
4.4 Timing Analysis . 34
5 Two General Highways Model 34
5.1 Preprocessing 35
5.2 Finding Clusters 36
5.3 Constructing Time Convex Hull 36
5.4 Timing Analysis 37
6 Conclusion 37
References 38
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