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研究生(外文):Li-Ju Tang
論文名稱(外文):Interactive function designs in bank website : multi case study of internal bank websites
外文關鍵詞:bank websiteinteractivityinteractive functionwebsite designuser interface designinternet banking
  • 被引用被引用:7
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A bank’s website is an important virtual channel for the bank to interact with its customers. A good design of website’s interactive functions enables the bank to keep their customers, to create more profits and marketing opportunities, and to provide the bank’s website with a competitive edge. So far, no studies on the design of interactive functions of bank websites have been done, and the interactive functions of current domestic bank websites still leave much to be desired and more to be delved into. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the design of interactive functions of bank websites.
The study begins with collection and analysis of related domestic and overseas literature on website interactivity and designs of websites’ interactive functions. The compilation of the literature is presented as an Evaluation Table on Website Interactivity (see Appendix Two). It then selects several domestic benchmark bank websites as the targets for multi-case studies. Based on the Evaluation Table on Website Interactivity, the study carries out a profound analysis of four cases of bank websites and integrates the evaluation into Results of Functional Evaluation on Website Interactivity for Banks of Selected Cases (see Appendix Three). This study adopts a multi-case design, which falls in exploration-based case studies. It collects data and observes records by actually operating the interactive functions of the website of selected banks. Developing case descriptions is used as the strategy for data analysis. Both case analysis and multi-case comparison are applied to draw an in-depth description and pros and cons analysis, and to compare the websites across the selected banks. Lastly, guidelines and advice on the design of interactive functions of bank websites are proposed according to the results of the study.
The results of the study show that websites of selected banks have the same strengths and weakness in terms of the design of interactive functions, which are: marketing, transaction service, communication and feedbacks, value-added entertainment, and personalization. The websites of selected banks place more emphasis on interactive functions for “marketing,” “transaction service,” “communication and feedbacks” but less emphasis on those for “value-added entertainment” and “personalization.” As the score sheet (with a full score being 232) of the Results of Functional Evaluation on Website Interactivity for Banks of Selected Cases shows, the websites of selected banks which have the best design are presented orderly as follows: Chinatrust Commercial Bank (with its score totaling 178), Jih Sun Bank (with its score totaling 162), Cathay United Bank (with its score totaling 159) and Taipei Fubon Bank (with its score totaling 137). The results for evaluations on interactive functions in all categories consistently show that the interactive functions of the websites of selected banks leave much room for improvement in that they do not conform to the principles for design.
Through the outcomes of an empirical study, this study generalizes principles for the design of interactive functions for internet banks and internet ATM transaction service and principles for the design of features which should be added. It also removes evaluation principles which are not suitable for interactive functions of bank websites and propose a guideline for the design of interactive functions of bank websites (see Appendix Four) to serve as a reference index for banks to use while constructing website interactive functions. It takes a further step in sorting out the categorizations in terms of degree of importance, dividing the principles for the design of interactive functions of bank websites into three categories, namely: required principles, advantageous principles and additional principles. Banks are suggested to take the required principles as the basic, necessary principles in the designing of interactive functions of their websites. They are also suggested to provide the advantageous principles which give them competitive edge to increase the assets of their websites. As for the additional principles which are optional, it is up for banks to choose whether to provide or not based on the goals of their websites.
Finally, this study suggests a direction for further studies, which is to investigate the degree of satisfaction clients hold toward using the interactive functions of bank websites. Besides, in terms of targets of studies, it is suggested that the number of websites investigated be increased and that overseas websites be included as targets of studies, so as to compare the difference between domestic and overseas bank websites in terms of their design of interactive functions.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
目 次 vii
表 次 xi
圖 次 xii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 問題陳述 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究範圍與限制 4
第四節 名詞解釋 5
第二章 文獻分析 9
第一節 銀行網站 9
一、國內銀行網站現況 9
二、國內銀行網站的服務與功能 13
第二節 網站互動性功能設計 21
一、網路互動性的概念 21
二、網站互動性功能 26
三、網站互動性功能的重要性 39
四、網站互動性功能設計原則 41
第三章 研究方法與步驟 51
第一節 研究方法 51
第二節 研究步驟 53
第四章 結果分析 57
第一節 日盛銀行 57
一、個案描述 57
二、網站架構 57
三、互動性功能分析 59
第二節 中國信託銀行 71
一、個案描述 71
二、網站架構 71
三、互動性功能分析 73
第三節 國泰世華銀行 86
一、個案描述 86
二、網站架構 87
三、互動性功能分析 89
第四節 台北富邦銀行 102
一、個案描述 102
二、網站架構 102
三、互動性功能分析 104
第五章 綜合討論 115
第一節 行銷 115
第二節 溝通回饋 117
第三節 交易服務 120
第四節 個人化 122
第五節 加值娛樂 124
第六節 綜合討論 126
第六章 結論與建議 131
第一節 結論 131
第二節 建議 137
第三節 進一步研究之建議 138
參考文獻 141
附錄一 國內銀行機構與網址 147
附錄二 網站互動性功能評估表 151
附錄三 個案銀行網站互動性功能評估結果 163
附錄四 銀行網站互動性功能設計準則 197
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