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研究生(外文):Chia-Yo Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Analysis and Fabrications of a Contact Type Measuring Probe for Micro/Nano CMM with an Observing Unit
外文關鍵詞:CMM contact type probeDVD pick up headdistance measuringangle measuringfiber tip ballfactorial experiment designcontact force measuring
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In the modern metrological technology, coordinate measuring machings (CMM) can’t satisfy certain precision and accuracy in micro/nano scale due to the performance of the probing systems. The probing system is the limiting factor in the downscaled CMM. Many research institutes develop the probe system with expensive instrucments as sensors and complex manufacturing processes.
To reduce the cost and fulfill these requirements, this study considers three main issues related to the development of the touch probe system: the fabrication of an appropriate touch probe with micro scale dimension and small mass; the cantilever beams structure with isotropic stiffness in the horizontal plane; and, DVD pick up heads as a high sensitivity sensors in distance and angle measuring.
Using the clean feature of an economical fiber fusion splice system, a silica fiber probe fused spherical tip with a diameter of about 270-450 µm is made. The average of the roundness of the tip balls is 0.84 µm and the average of the offset between the axle of the fiber and the center of the tip ball is 1.03 µm. The procedure is simplified and it takes less time to make a fiber tip ball with a modified fixture. 2-level factorial experiment design is applied to identify the significant factors and the optimal conditions for fabrication of a tip ball with a desired diameter.
2 tpyes of cantilever beam structures, 3-beams and 4-beams, is introduced. Connecting with the sensing plate, cantilever beam is bent when a force, caused by the interaction between the tip ball and workpiece and transmitted with the stem, is applied on the tip ball. The displacement is calculated and simulated with the bending formulas and the finite element module of CATIA respectively. Those show that the 2 tpyes are both isotropic stiffness in the XY plane. The process of the signal of DVD pick up heads, which are utilized as high sensitivity and high resolution sensors to measuring the displacement and angle of the sensing plate, is also discussed base on the model.
With these components a touch trigger probe system is developed.

Index Terms —CMM probe system, DVD pick up head, distance measuring, angle measuring, fiber tip ball
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.1.1 三次元座標量測儀與探頭系統 2
1.1.2 研究目標 4
1.2 文獻回顧 5
1.2.1 傳統接觸式觸發探頭 5
1.2.2 次微米、奈米探頭系統 6
1.3 研究方法與內容概要 20
第二章 DVD光學讀取頭的感測原理與應用 22
2.1 DVD光學讀取頭相關文獻回顧 22
2.2 DVD讀取頭之結構與元件功能 24
2.2.1 雷射二極體 26
2.2.2 四象限光感測器 33
2.3 DVD讀取頭之光學原理與量測應用 35
2.3.1 光學讀取頭聚焦原理 35
2.3.2 光學透鏡分析 38
2.3.3 DVD讀取頭之量測應用 41
2.3.4 DVD光學讀取頭量測性能校正 42
第三章 接觸式光纖探球製作 47
3.1 探球製作與光纖熔融相關文獻回顧 47
3.1.1 微探球之製作 48
3.1.2 微球體與微透鏡製作 49
3.1.3 光纖熔接 50
3.2 製作原理與概念之介紹 52
3.2.1 表面張力 52
3.2.2 表面張力之基本公式 53
3.3 探球燒製設備 54
3.3.1 光纖熔接機 54
3.3.2 光纖載具 56
3.3.3 光纖戴具控制器 58
3.4 光纖探球燒製實驗設計 62
3.4.1 問題的認知及陳述 63
3.4.2 因子、水準及範圍的選擇 63
3.4.3 反應變數選擇與測量 66
3.4.4 光纖探球燒製實驗步驟 68
3.5 光纖探球燒製實驗之結果與分析 69
3.5.1 初次實驗之結果與分析 69
3.5.2 最佳化參數測試 80
3.6 光纖探球燒製總結 82
第四章 位移結構設計分析與組裝 84
4.1 懸臂桿應力應變理論分析 84
4.1.1 懸臂桿軸向受力 85
4.1.2 懸臂桿之扭曲分析 85
4.1.3 懸臂桿之彎曲分析 87
4.1.4 懸臂桿微小變形量綜合分析 91
4.2 感應懸浮片結構分析 97
4.2.1 三桿式感應懸浮片 98
4.2.2 四桿式感應懸浮片 100
4.3 感應懸浮片之有限元素分析與模擬 103
4.3.1 分析之相關參數設定 104
4.3.2 模擬結果 105
4.4 感應懸浮片之組裝 113
4.5 懸浮片與觸發訊號 116
4.5.1 全位移感測器組合與觸發訊號 117
4.5.2 角度與位移感測器組合與觸發訊號 121
4.6 懸浮片結構分析總結 124
第五章 接觸式探頭性能實驗 125
5.1 探頭系統組裝 125
5.2 探頭系統預行程量測 127
5.2.1 預行程量測結果 130
5.3 探頭系統接觸力量測 132
5.3.1 接觸力量測計 133
5.3.2 接觸力量測結果 135
5.4 誤差討論 135
第六章 結論與未來展望 136
6.1 結論 136
6.2 未來展望 136
參考文獻 139
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