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研究生(外文):Ko-Wei Huang
論文名稱(外文):The optimum diameter of ballpoint pens for hand and forearm muscle activity in writing tasks
指導教授(外文):Han-Ming Chen
外文關鍵詞:Pen diameterSurface electromyographyelectrogoniometermuscle activity
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本實驗中,我們製作了8mm~16mm五支不同管徑的原子筆,以D8, D10, D12, D14和D16 來代稱,並且也製作了問卷紀錄受測者主觀的喜好供為參考。實驗發現除了斜方肌外,對於其餘五條肌肉12mm的原子筆皆顯現出最小的肌肉活性,因此我們可以合理的推論,以本次實驗的設計而言直徑為12mm的原子筆為最佳之管徑;此外根據問卷的調查也顯示了類似的結果。而角度規紀錄的結果則顯示,本次實驗的管徑分佈並不會對書寫的姿勢有明顯的影響。
Prolonged use of pens may cause musculoskeletal discomfort and symptoms in forearms and shoulders. Writing with different diameter ballpoint pens may have various effects on forearm and finger muscle activity. Each of the twenty-five subjects performed the same writing task with each of the five different diameter pens. Extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum, flexor carpi radialis, flexor pollicis brevis, first dorsal interosseous and upper trapezius muscle activity were recorded by surface electromyography. The wrist postures were registered by an electrogoniometer, and then the recorded data were analyzed with the one-way ANOVA. Extensor digitorum, flexor carpi radialis and flexor pollicis brevis muscle activity were lowest when using the ballpoint pen with 12mm diameter. A recommendation resulting from this study for writing work is that using a ballpoint pen with a suitable diameter can provide the user less forearm muscle activity so the risk of musculoskeletal disorders may be reduced. Furthermore, some forearm muscle activity in using the ballpoint pen of 14mm diameter were even lower than that in using the ballpoint pen of 10mm diameter, and therefore the ballpoint pen of 14mm diameter might be another good choice for writing work.
Chinese abstract ……………………… I
English abstract ……………………… II
Table of Contents ……………………… III
List of figures ……………………… IV
List of tables ……………………… VI
Appendix …………………………………… VI

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background…………………………………… p.1
1.2 Aim of the Study…………………………… p.3
1.3 Organization of the Thesis……………… p.6

Chapter 2 Related Works

2.1 Related Works……………………………… p.8

Chapter 3 Procedure and apparatus
3.1 Ballpoint pen Design………… p.12
3.2 Subject Participated………… p.12
3.3 Apparatus……………………… p.14
3.4 Experimental Procedure……… p.16
3.5 Data Acquisition……………… p.22
3.6 Data Analysis………………… p.27

Chapter 4 Results
4.1 Wrist Posture………………… p.31
4.2 EMG Activity………………… p.33

Chapter 5 Discussion……………………… p.36

Chapter 6 Conclusions……………………… p.40

References…………………………………… p.41

List of Figures

Fig. 1-1 The ballpoint pens with different diameters p.5
Fig. 2.1-1 The five different ballpoint pens ………… p.9
Fig. 2.1-2 Conventional Pen and New Pen ……………… p.10
Fig. 3.3-1 BIOPAC Systems MP150 system………………… p.15
Fig. 3.3-2 The bipolar Ag/AgCl surface electrode…… p.15
Fig. 3.3-3 The twin axis electrogoniometers…………… p.16
Fig. 3.4-1 The electrode site of extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor digitorum……………………………………… p.19
Fig. 3.4-2 The electrode site of flexor carpi radialis and flexor pollicis brevis……………………… p.20
Fig. 3.4-3 The electrode site of first dorsal interosseus and upper trapezius…………………………………………… p.21
Fig. 3.5-1 The sample of the text of Chinese words……p.24
Fig. 3.5-2 The Questionnaire…………………………………p.25
Fig. 3.5-3 The procedure of the experiment.…………… p.26
Fig. 4.1-1 The time percentages of the wrist extension/flexion and ulnar/radial deviation……………p.32
Fig. 4.2-1 The mean normalized EMG values of the 25 subjects in terms of the muscles……………………………p.35

List of Tables

Table1 Identification numbers for the 8 pens…………p.10
Table2 Normalized vote by pens……………………………p.11
Table3 Subject data……………………………………………p.13
Table4 Descriptive statistics for all the dependent variable……………………………………………………………p.29
Table5 Significance levels of differences in EMG between the use of different keyboards………………………………p.30
Table6 Questionnaire: Full marks are 5 scores…………p.30

Appendix 1 The characteristics of the subjects…………p.47
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