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研究生(外文):Shiu-Yu Li
論文名稱(外文):Physicians’ Professional Values, Their Influences on Self-assessment of Medical Performance, and The Attribution of Blame for Professional Deficiency
外文關鍵詞:professionalismprofessional performanceblaming attributionself-regulationclinical autonomy
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With the rise of managed care, medical consumerism, and the corporatization of hospitals, medical professionalism has experienced drastic transition in the past few decades. Although the image of medical profession become more and more negative, as reflected in the media and illustrated by the accumulated criticism from sociologists, very few empirical research have been done to tap the perceptions and observations that come from the physicians themselves.
The purposes of this study, therefore, are to describe the physicians’ attitudes towards medical professionalism, i.e., their professional values, and then examine how the values they hold influence their assessment of current state of medical performance, and, if any deficiency in professionalism was indicated, for which what factors did they attribute the blame.
Data on which this study was based came from a nation-wide mail survey. Through a systematic sampling, about 8000 physicians who were practicing in biomedicine (so-called Western physicians) and having memberships in Taiwan Medical Association in the year 2007 were selected as potential participants for this study. Started in January 2008 and after one follow-up mailing, a total of 1679 valid questionnaires were collected in March 2008, resulting in a response rate of 21%.
The major findings of this study are: (1) The professional values held by this sample of physicians are presented in the following aspects of professionalism: 64.4% physicians did not agree that their clinical autonomy should be regulated by the National Health Insurance (NHI) even under the situation of limited health care resources; 67.1% said that the patients’ welfare will be their top priority even in face of NHI restrictions; about 80% emphasized that profit should not be taken into account while providing clinical services; and 52.5% supported the idea that patients should have more autonomy in the process of medical care decision making, (2) With regard to their assessment of current performance among their professional members, most of them made an overall positive assessment, although the aspects of listening, and informing and advising during patient-physician interactions were considered relatively unsatisfactory, and (3) In response to deficiency in professionalism or poorer professional performance, NHI, consumerism, and societal values were three blames most often attributed by the participants, and (4) Physicians who made justification on the restriction of clinical autonomy under stringent resources were more likely to attribute current poor performance to the managerialism adopted by hospitals, and (5) Physicians’ age (cohort) is the most powerful factor in relation to professional value and self-assessment of performance. The older the age the more strong the professional values they held, and more positive their assessment of current professional performance.
Contemporary physicians in Taiwan still hold conventional medical professionalism, and their assessment of current performance of their professional members is positive overall, with the communicative skill the poorest competency. Although NHI, as a national health policy, has exerted much impact on their practices in general, in particular managerial interventions applied in health care organizations are considered the ultimate menace to their professionalism. Yet beyond blaming, some physicians also argue that medical professionals must be responsible for the status quo because of the failure of self-regulation.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VII
圖表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究預期貢獻與重要性 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 醫學專業價值與倫理 6
第二節 醫師們對醫學專業的觀感 15
第三節 醫師對健保、民眾、醫院經營策略的看法 21
第四節 責難歸因(blme attribution)在醫療場域的應用 25
第五節 結論 30
第三章 研究方法 32
第一節 研究架構 32
第二節 測量工具 34
第三節 資料收集與分析 39

第四章 研究結果 43
第一節 樣本特質 43
第二節 醫師所持專業價值及醫學專業評量 46
第三節 專業價值與專業形象及其相關因子 53
第四節 整體專業不佳的歸因及其相關因子 60
第五節 專業自評之相關影響因素 65
第六節 整體專業評量不佳的歸因 69
第五章 討論 73
第一節 醫師所持專業價值之變遷 73
第二節 醫師所知覺得當代專業形象 77
第三節 醫師之利潤觀 79
第四節 醫師們對醫院經營策略的責難歸因 81
第五節 研究限制 85
第六章 結論與建議 86
參考文獻 89
附錄ㄧ 96
附錄二 98
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