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研究生(外文):Yen-liang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Hemocompability of biopolymer immobilizing stainless steel
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chien Yang
外文關鍵詞:Stainless steelelectroplatepoly-lysinechitosandextran sulfatepolyelectrolyte complexlayer-by-layer self-assemblyhemocompatibility
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本論文將以電鍍及濺鍍的方式於不鏽鋼(Stainless-steel)表面進行鍍金。再使用DMSA,進行硫醇基表面接枝,於不鏽鋼表面產生-COOH基團,然後利用層接式自我組裝方法形成多層聚集。第一部分利用硫酸葡聚醣 (dextran sulfate,DS)與聚離胺酸(Poly-Lysine);第二部分則利用硫酸葡聚醣 (dextran sulfate,DS)與幾丁聚醣(chitosan)以層接式自我組裝方法形成多層聚集,分別探討其表面改質後血液相容性,並且分析血液凝固性,以作為心臟支架生醫材料之應用。
層接式(Layer-by-layer, LBL)自我組裝改質方式係利用物種帶正、負電荷的性質,經由靜電力互相吸引而自組合,形成多層聚電解質的結構。由FE-SEM觀察可知聚電解質多層結構厚度隨改質次數增加而增加。由XPS及染料確認可得知Poly-lysine、chitosan 及 dextran sulfate 量隨固化層增加有線性增加趨勢,如此更使親水性提高。而且由於硫酸化葡聚糖量增加更降低不鏽鋼片血小板吸附進而增長血液凝血時間。整體而言,層接式自我組裝改質方式具有方便性、經濟性、可控制性更是無毒性之表面改質方法,改質後不鏽鋼片在血液接觸性生醫材用途深具潛力。
In this study, a thin layer of gold was deposited onto stainless steel surface via either electroplating or sputtering. Afterwards, graft-polymerization of DMSA, followed by alternatively assembling of positively charged polymer and negatively charged polymer in a layer-by-layer assembly manner.
In Part1, dextran sulfate (DS) (as an anti-clotting agent) and polylysine (PL) (as an antibacterial agent). In Part2, dextran sulfate (DS) (as an anti-clotting agent) and chitosan (CS) (as an antibacterial agent) were alternatively deposited onto the aminolyzed stainless steel in a layer-by-layer assembly manner. Thereby anti-adhesive and antibacterial polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) multilayer structure was assembled on the stainless steel surface. The progressive buildup of the multilayer film was verified by dye staining and XPS. These multilayer films were characterized by contact-angle. The in-vitro evaluation of hemocompatibility was performed by measuring the adsorption of human serum albumin (HSA) and platelet adhesion as well as the blood coagulation time. The results from FE-SEM show that the thickness increased with the deposition of PEC layers. The hydrophilicity was improved with the increase of the number of PEC layers. Furthermore, the coagulation time prolonged with the number of PEC layers. Thus this demonstrated an easy process to prepare an anti-clotting and antibacterial surface, and will be useful for surface modification of cardiovascular devices.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖表索引 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2.1 實驗材料簡介 2
2.1.1不鏽鋼(Stainless steel , S.S.) 2
2.1.2 雙硫醇丁二酸(meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid , DMSA) 3
2.1.3 幾丁聚醣(chitosan) 4
2.1.4 硫酸葡聚醣(Dextran sulfate , DS) 7
2.1.5聚離胺酸(Polylysine ,PL) 8
2.2 生物相容性 10
2.3 血液相容性 11
2.4 血小板與凝血作用 11
2.5 血液學凝固(Blood coagulation) 14
2.6 活化部分凝血活酶時間(APTT) 18
2.7 凝血酶原時間(PT) 19
2.8 高分子生醫材料 20
2.9 高分子材料表面改質(Surface Modification) 22
2.10 層接式自我組裝(Layer-By-Layer Self-assembly) 23
第三章 實驗材料與方法 26
3.1實驗項目流程圖 26
3.2 實驗原理 27
3.3 實驗材料 28
3.4 實驗設備 29
3.5 實驗步驟 30
3.5.1 不鏽鋼前處理 30
3.5.2 不鏽鋼鍍金(S.S.-Au) 第一部份 電化學電鍍法 30 DMSA之接枝(S.S.-Au-DMSA) 30 Poly-lysine之接枝(S.S.-Au-DMSA-PL) 30 Dextran sulfate之接枝(S.S.-Au-DMSA-PL-DS) 31 多層結構S.S.-Au-DMSA- PL (DS- PL)n 31
3.5.3 不鏽鋼鍍金(S.S.-Au) 第二部份 真空濺鍍法 31 DMSA之接枝(S.S.-Au-DMSA) 31 Chitosan之接枝(S.S.-Au-DMSA-CS) 31 Dextran sulfate 之接枝(S.S.-Au-DMSA-CS-DS) 32 多層結構S.S.-Au-DMSA-CS(DS-CS)n 32
3.6 表面接枝密度(Surface Graft Density) 34
3.6.1 硫酸根(sulfate)接枝率的染色測驗 34
3.6.2 胺基(amino)接枝率的染色測驗 34
3.7 血液測試 35
3.7.1 活化部分凝血活酶時間(Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time, APTT) 35
3.7.2 凝血酶原時間(Prothrombin Time, PT) 36
第四章 結果與討論 37
4.1 LBL self-assembly of S.S grafted CS,DS and PL,DS 37
4.1.1 Polylysine(PL)與Dextran sulfate(DS)多層結構的接枝密度 37 硫酸根(sulfate)接枝率的染色測驗 40 胺基(amino)接枝率的染色測驗 41
4.1.2 接觸角(contact angle) 43
4.1.3 高解析度場發射掃瞄式電子顯微鏡 (FE-SEM) 44
4.1.4 化學分析電子譜(XPS) 48
4.2 活化部分凝血活酶時間(APTT) 55
4.3 凝血酶原時間(Prothrombin Time, PT) 57
4.4 血小板吸附 59
第五章 結論(Conclusions) 61
參考文獻 63
作者簡介 69
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