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研究生(外文):Jian-jhe Lyu
論文名稱(外文):Study and Implementation of an 800W Interleaved Boost Power Factor Corrector
指導教授(外文):Yu-kang LoHuang-jen Chiu
外文關鍵詞:interleaved power factor correctormultiphase power factor corrector
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This thesis is focused on the design and implementation of a multiphase interleaved boost power factor corrector (PFC) to achieve a high power factor, low input current harmonics, high efficiency and high power density. A multiphase interleaved boost PFC features the advantages of a PWM boost converter. In addition, the voltage and current ratings of the power switches, and the volumes of inductors, output capacitors and EMI filters can be reduced.
An 800 W two-phase interleaved Boost PFC is implemented in the laboratory. Experiments are conducted and satisfactory results are measured to confirm the effectiveness and the feasibility of the theoretical analysis and design consideration. The UCC28060 is used as the control IC for the PFC. The power stage consists of two boost PFC converters. It is verified that the current ripples are greatly reduced with the two-phase interleaved topologies. Thus the two-phase interleaved PFC’s are especially suitable for serving as a pre-regulator in the high-power applications.
摘 要...............................................I
誌 謝.............................................III
目 錄..............................................IV
第一章 緒論........................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機..............................1
1.2 研究範圍與方法..............................2
1.3 論文內容章節簡述............................4
第二章 功率因數修正原理............................5
2.1 功率因數與總諧波失真之定義..................5
2.2 功率因數修正器之種類........................7
2.2.1 被動式功率因數修正器........................8
2.2.2 主動式功率因數修正器........................9
2.3 功率因數修正器之架構.......................10
2.4 升壓型功率因數修正器之原理.................11
2.5 電流控制模式...............................14
2.5.1 乘法器控制法...............................15
2.5.2 電壓隨耦控制法.............................21
第三章 多相式升壓型轉換器理論分析.................24
3.1 多相式升壓型轉換器介紹.....................24
3.2 雙相交錯式升壓型轉換器電路分析.............25
3.3 雙相交錯式升壓型轉換器動作時序分析.........29
3.4 儲能電感分析...............................31
3.5 輸出電容分析...............................34
3.6 功率開關及功率二極體分析...................37
3.7 雙相式升壓型轉換器輸入漣波電流分析.........38
第四章 以UCC28060設計之功率因數修正器.............40
4.1 UCC28060內部方塊圖與接腳圖介紹.............40
4.2 UCC28060 IC特性............................43
4.3 UCC28060 雙相式升壓型功率因數修正器設計....52
4.3.1 儲能電感設計...............................53
4.3.2 零電流(ZCD)偵測電阻設計....................54
4.3.3 高壓輸出檢測回授設計.......................54
4.3.4 輸出電容設計...............................55
4.3.5 選擇Rs限制峰值電流設計.....................56
4.3.6 功率元件的選擇.............................56
4.3.7 低電壓保護電路設計.........................57
4.3.8 切換時間...................................57
4.3.9 輸出電壓回授設計...........................58
4.3.10 迴路補償設計...............................58
第五章 實驗結果與波形.............................60
5.1 量測數據...................................60
第六章 結論與未來展望.............................75
6.1 結論.......................................75
6.2 未來展望...................................75
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