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研究生(外文):Chia-an Lin
論文名稱(外文):EFL Students' Perception in the Use of Language Learning Strategies
指導教授(外文):Chilin Wang
外文關鍵詞:learning strategiesperception
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本研究主要目的在探討外語系學生使用學習策略之情形及學生個人對使用該策略的自我認知。主要探討問題包括:(1)除了Oxford (1990)的SILL之外,外語系學生所使用的其它學習策略為何? (2)外語系學生對於個人所設定的英語學習策略其自我認知為何?(3)外語系學生對於高頻率使用的英語學習策略的自我認知為何?(4)外語系學生對於低頻率使用的英語學習策略的自我認知為何?本研究受測對象為科技大學外語系在職班的學生。此研究採用兩種工具,主要的工具為小組訪談;另一項工具為Oxford(1990)所編製的語言學習策略量表,此量表包括六大部分共50題的黎克型測驗,要求受測者根據實際情形,勾選出適當之英語學習策略使用頻率。根據問卷及訪談分析的結果顯示:(1)學習者會根據本身的學習目標,利用其個人環境,設計出適合自己獨特的策略;(2)學習者本身失敗的學習經驗,會導致個人對學習策略的負面認知;(3)學習策略並非全面性的適用於每一位學習者,學習者應根據本身的學習環境及個人背景選擇適合的策略。最後,此研究希望透過學習者本身對學習策略使用的觀點,對學生的英語學習策略使用情形有更深入的了解,期能對日後之相關研究有所幫助。
This study focuses on exploring language learners’ personal awareness and their use of language learning strategies in a group of EFL students at a university of science and technology in Taiwan. The study also aims to identify the language learning strategies reported by the learners. The present research adopted two instruments, the questionnaire of the SILL and group interviews. According to subjects’ reported frequency of certain EFL learning strategies, three group interviews were conducted to explore subjects’ perception of the use of learning strategies. The data collected from the subjects convey that (1) Learners were able to create their own strategies with different motivation, and took their environment and occupation as a learning tool. (2) Learners’ failed learning experience may lead to the negative concepts of specific learning strategies. (3) Learning strategies were not universally useful to all the learners. The pedagogical implications and suggestions based on the finding at EFL students’ perception are provided at the end of the report.
Chinese Abstract.. …...i
Abstract …..ii
Acknowledgement ….iii
Table of Contents …...iv
List of Tables ...viii
List of Figure… ….ix
1.1 Motivation and Background …...1
1.2 Purpose of the Study …...4
1.3 Research Questions…. …...4
1.4 Significance of the Study ……...5
1.5 Definition of Terms ………...5
2.1 Definition of Learning Strategies …...7
2.2 Classification of Language Learning Strategies …...8
2.2.1 O’Malley et al.’s Classification ….13
2.2.2 Rubin’s Classification ….18
2.2.3 Oxford’s Classification ….19
2.3 The Importance of Language Learning Strategic Competence ….23
2.4 Individual Factors Affecting Strategy Choice ….26
2.5 The Use of Language Learning Strategies by Asian College Students……………39
3.1 Subjects ….43
3.2 Data Collection Tools ….43
3.2.1 Questionnaire ….44
3.2.2 Interviews ….45
3.3 Data Collection Procedure ….47
3.4 Data Analysis ….49
4.1 Strategies Not Included in the SILL ….51
4.2 The Most Frequently Used SILL Strategies…………. ….62
4.3 The Least Frequently Used SILL Strategies……… …….73
5.1 Major Findings of the Study ….84
5.2 Implications of the Study ….91
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Studies ….92
5.4 Conclusion ….92

APPENDIX A: Oxford’s Strategy Classification System …107
APPENDIX B: Yang’s (1992) Chinese Version of Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ...109
APPENDIX C: Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (English Version) ...114
APPENDIX D: Subjects’ Response to the SILL Questionnaire ...119


Table 1. Learning Strategies Identified by O’Malley et al……………………………….14
Table 2. Rubin’s Classification of Language Learning Strategies……………….............18
Table 3. Studies of Direct/ Indirect Learning Strategies Used by Asian College Students………………………………………………………………………….40
Table 4. Subjects’ Own Learning Strategies Not Included in the SILL……….………....62
Table 5. The Two Most Frequently Used SILL Strategies in Each of the Six Categories.63
Table 6. The Two Least Frequently Used SILL Strategies in Each of the Six Categories.74


Figure1. Oxford’s Strategy Classification System……………………………………….20
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