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研究生(外文):Chuang, Ying-Hsun
論文名稱(外文):The relationship between residents’ level of involvement in and perceptions of cultural benefits toward local festivals - a study of bombing dragon in Miaoli
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成功的節慶依賴當地社區的支持,國內經常舉辦地方性的文化節慶,通常為區域性的動員形式,即聚落、社團、家族、個人主動或被動的參與。苗栗 龍為台灣四大元宵慶典之ㄧ,當地居民、社區、民間協會、組織,以及寺廟都有參與。因此,本研究目的為瞭解居民對節慶的文化利益知覺,居民的節慶參與程度與文化利益知覺的關係,及不同族群的居民有無差異。
本研究採用問卷調查法,採用便利抽樣於 龍活動舉行期間現地發放,對設籍在苗栗縣市的居民進行發放。問卷包含居民節慶參與程度、文化利益知覺及個人基本資料三個部分,在文化利益知覺部分增加開放式問題。以描述性統計分析、信度分析、t檢定、相關分析進行樣本分析,並對開放式問題做資料整理與編碼。
研究發現,客家族群比起非客家族群的居民對於 龍活動的參與程度有差異存在,對 龍活動的認同度較高。居民的文化利益知覺普遍為正面支持,並發現節慶參與程度對文化利益知覺有相關存在,參與程度越高其文化利益知覺也越高,顯示參與程度會影響居民對文化利益的知覺。不同年齡層的文化利益知覺有差異存在,年長者的比年輕族群高。也發現在苗栗市舉行的 龍活動,具有地理區位效益,會吸引苗栗縣的居民來苗栗市共襄盛舉。
Successful festivals primarily depend on the support of local community. There have been a large number of local cultural festivals taking place in Taiwan in the past decade. Miaoli Bombing dragon is one of the lantern festivals in which local residents, communities, associations, organizations, and temples all participate. The research therefore aims to understand residents’ perception of cultural benefits toward festivals, and the relationship between their level of festival participation and perceptions of cultural benefits.
The questionnaire survey was adopted, and convenient sampling on-site was used. The questionnaire comprises three parts, including residents’ participation in the festival, cultural benefits perception, and demographic attributes. In addition to closed questions, there were also open questions in the section of cultural benefits perception. In terms of data analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, t-test and ANOVA were used.
According to the research finding, Hakkas and non-Hakka residents who participated in bombing dragon event had different perceptions of cultural benefits of the festivals. The findings also indicate that residents’ perceptions of cultural benefits and their involvement in the festival were correlated. In addition, the results show that there were differences between the attributes of the respondents and their perceptions of cultural benefits. The respondents in older age groups were more likely to more positive perception of the cultural benefits of the festival, and people who lived in Maioli city than those who lived in the nearby countryside were more likely to indicate the cultural benefits of the booming dragon festival.
中文摘要 ......................iii
英文摘要 ......................iv
誌謝辭 ......................vi
內容目錄 ......................vii
表目錄 ......................ix
圖目錄 ......................xi
第一章  續論.................... 1
  第一節  研究背景與動機............. 1
  第二節  研究問題................ 3
  第三節  研究範圍與對象............. 6
  第四節  研究流程................ 7
第二章  文獻回顧.................. 8
  第一節  節慶活動................ 8
  第二節  節慶參與................ 15
  第三節  節慶活動對當地社區的利益........ 20
第三章  研究設計.................. 24
  第一節  研究架構................ 24
  第二節  研究變數之操作性定義.......... 24
  第三節  研究假設................ 25
  第四節  問卷設計................ 26
  第五節  抽樣設計................ 30
  第六節  資料分析方法.............. 31
第七節  問卷預試................ 32
第四章  研究結果與分析............... 36
  第一節  樣本特性分析.............. 36
  第二節  節慶參與程度分析............ 39
  第三節  文化利益知覺分析............ 47
  第四節  節慶參與程度及文化利益知覺之關係.... 56
第五章 結論與建議................. 60
  第一節  研究結論................ 60
  第二節  研究限制................ 62
  第三節  建議.................. 62
參考文獻....................... 64
附錄A 預試問卷.................. 78
附錄B 正式問卷.................. 81
附錄C 開放式問題回答............... 84
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