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研究生(外文):Yen Tuan-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Seasonal changes in community structures and functional composition of stream insects at the Fu-Shan area
指導教授(外文):Shieh, Sen-Her
外文關鍵詞:streamstream insectscommunity structuresSeas
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本研究目的即藉由福山地區不同季節水棲昆蟲調查,探討(1)福山地區水棲昆蟲群聚結構與功能組成;(2)比較季節變化對水棲昆蟲群聚結構與功能組成之影響;(3)分析水棲昆蟲群聚結構及功能組成與環境因子的關係。於2003年9月開始進行至2004年8月,於福山地區哈盆溪流域及粗坑溪流域設立五樣站,利用蘇伯氏水網(surber sampler)做定面積採集底棲之所有水棲昆蟲,每月採集一次共採樣12次,每三個月設定為一個季節。水網之中所有物體皆以95%之酒精保存,於實驗室內進行物種之鑑定區分出種類 (Taxa) 及攝食功能群 (Functional feeding group),並計算歧異度指數、多樣性指數及均勻度指數,採樣時同時測量流速、流量、水溫、酸鹼度、遮蔽度等環境因子,進行變異數分析(two- way ANOVA)。檢定水棲昆蟲群聚組成在各季節與不同樣站間是否具有差異。本研究共記錄了8目50科103種,採樣總個體數為53105隻,平均密度1180 (隻/m2),以搖蚊科(Chironomidae)最為優勢,占總個體數之 24.4%,其次為四節蜉蝣(Baetis spp.),占總個體數 14.5%,其他褐蜉蝣(Choroterpes sp.)、扁蜉蝣(Afonurus sp.)、石蠅(Neoperla sp.)、扁泥蟲(Psephenoides sp.)、長腳泥蟲(Zaitzevia sp.)。以上七屬即占總數量的70 %以上。福山地區最主要之攝食功能群以聚集採食者(gathering collectors) 占56 %為主。
在同地區流域中各項水文資料,會隨著樣站及季節間而有所差異。這些差異會影響水棲昆蟲群聚及攝食功能群的組成。因此,各溪流水棲昆蟲物種之組成與分布,會因地區性環境因子的差異而有所不同。結果顯示各樣區水棲昆蟲物種群聚結構會受不同季節影響,可能是溫度、河寬、水深、流量及流速等環境因子在季節變化所造成。其中,樣站一~三(哈盆溪流域)在秋季及冬季時的平均密度,均明顯大於春、夏兩季,樣站四及五(粗坑溪流域)在冬季及春季時的平均密度,均明顯大於秋、夏兩季,流量大量增加雖然使水棲昆蟲總密度下降,但多樣性影響卻不明顯,相關分析結果亦顯示,水深分別與豐富度指數、香農多樣性指數呈正相關。水溫與密度呈負相關,酸鹼度與辛普森指數呈負相關而與香農多樣性指數及均勻度呈正相關。 結果顯示環境因子與生物多樣性等相關指數在不同樣站與季節間相關性會有所差異。且各項環境因子對於水棲昆蟲的影響並非一致,而夏季水量增加相當可能影響水棲昆蟲密度下降。但是流量較大並非對所有的物種均有負面影響,四節蜉蝣科之 Baetis spp.密度在秋、夏兩季高於其他兩季,秋、夏兩季為福山地區之豐水期,因此颱風後帶來大量的暴水造成流速與流量的激增,可能使藻類不易著生,枯枝落葉等有機質不易堆積,福山地區主要的功能攝食群為聚集性採食者,食物的短缺,也可能造成稚蟲密度下降原因。季節間水溫的變化,會改變水棲昆蟲的生長週期,水溫升高可能對水棲昆蟲造成生長週期會縮短而提早羽化的影響,因此,水溫的變化也可能是夏季採樣水棲昆蟲個體數較低的結果。
This research is to investigate the aquatic insect of different seasons of area in Fushan. Mainly discussing (1) The aquatic insect''s clustering structure and function of the area (2) Compare the influence of seasonal variations (3) analysis aquatic insect''s clustering structure, function make up and the relationship with environmental factors. Started from August 2004 till September 2003, I set up a total of five stations in the Happen river basin and the Cu-keng river basin. Utilize the Surber sampler to define the area of gathering for the aquatic insects in these stations. Take records 12 times a month and set up every three months as one season. In the laboratory, all objects are kept and reserved with the 95% alcohol and distinguish out the Taxa and Functional feeding group. Then, calculate out the difference degrees of index, diversified index and index of degree of consistency, measure the velocity of flow, water temperature, sour soda degree, cover such environmental factors as degree, etc. Utilize all the data to make a variation and count analysis (two-way ANOVA) . The purpose is to assay if the aquatic insect clustering differently in each station and each season. This research has recorded down 8 order, 50 family and 103 taxa. It sampled a total of 53,105 pieces, average density at 1,180 (each/ m2) . The shake Chironomidae advantage the most, accounts for 24.4% of the total counted; secondly it is mayflies ( Baetis spp.) , accounts for 14.5%; other Choroterpes sp.、Afonurus sp.、Neoperla sp. , Psephenoides sp.、 Zaitzevia sp. the above seven taxa take possession of more than 70% of the total numbers. The main ingesting group in Fushan area is the gathering collectors which take up 56%.
According to the hydrological data gathered from the basin, status show different in each station with season changes. These differences will influence aquatic insect clustering and ingest composition as well as the function of group. Therefore, composition and distribution of the species of aquatic insect will be different to some extent because of difference of environmental factors of provincialism. The result shows various kinds of district aquatic insect''s species clustering structure will be influenced by different seasons, it may be that such environmental factors as the temperature, river wide, depth of water, flow and velocity of flow,etc. cause in the seasonal variation. Among site 1~3, the average density in autumn and winter, is obviously greater than spring, summer. Average density for station four and five in winter and spring, is then obviously greater than autumn, summer. Though it make the aquatic insect''s total density drop when the flow increase in a large amount, but, relevant analysis results also show, the depth of water presents positive correlation with enriching one degree of indexes, Shannon''s diversified index separately. Water temperature, density, sour soda degree and the Sampson index have negative correlation. However, it presents positive correlation with Shannon diversified index and degree of consistency. The result shows such relevant indexes as environmental factor and bio-diversity and will be different to some extent in the dependence among different kind of stations and seasons. The result shows the influence on the aquatic insect of every environmental factor is not unanimous, and it may influence the aquatic insect''s density to drop if the water increases in summer. However, the summer water flow is not bad for all species. Baetis spp’s density is higher in the summer and fall, especially with the water hitting the high level. With the summer and fall are Fushan’s raining season, sometimes typhoons also bring out lots of heavy rain which increase the water flow. After typhoon, it causes the surge of velocity flow and brings a large amount of cruel water which make alga difficult to attach, withered pieces of fallen leaf are difficult to pile up. This might be the reason that caused food shortage for the ingest group and dropping numbers of the naiad''s density in Fushan. The changes of the water temperature among seasons certainly change the growth cycle of the aquatic insect. Rising temperature may be the reason which shortens the growth cycle of the aquatic insect. Therefore, it can be assumed that the aquatic insect individual counts and sampling are low in result is due to the changes of the water temperature in the summer time.
 水棲昆蟲之重要性-----------------------------------------------------------------------1
 水棲昆蟲群聚與功能組成--------------------------------------------------------------2
 資料分析----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
 各樣站環境資料-------------------------------------------------------------------------18
 環境因子在不同樣站與季節間之變化----------------------------------------------21
 福山地區水棲昆蟲群聚組成----------------------------------------------------------21
 各樣站水棲昆蟲群聚組成-------------------------------------------------------------22
 福山地區攝食功能群之組成----------------------------------------------------------25
 水棲昆蟲群聚組成之歧異度----------------------------------------------------------26
 水棲昆蟲分佈與多樣性----------------------------------------------------------------28
 環境因子對水棲昆蟲的影響----------------------------------------------------------29
 謝致----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36
 表------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44
 圖-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51
 附錄----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------61
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