There has been no uniform dercription of the nature of the adjective-verb (形容動詞) of the Japanese Language, and that because of the tight connnection and fuzzy zones between it and adjectives on the one side, and between it and nouns on the other side. This to analyze, and that through "Cognitive Linguistics" and the "Language Acquisition Study" , is aim of this dissertation.
This paper is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter tells the motinvations, aims scope and methods of the study; the traditional point of views will be depicted briefly.
Chapter II will begin with the conclusions inducted out of two Great Dictionaries about the span of meanings of adjectives and adjective-verb (形容動詞) respectively and then in comparison.
Chapter III will explore the difference further, and that through counterparts of adjectives and adjective-verb (形容動詞) , such as words about “beautiful”(「綺麗」vs.「美しい」),”dangrous”(「危険」vs.「危ない」), “difficult”(「困難」vs.「難しい」).
As an empirical research, study, Chapter IV adopts the corpus method, and mainly that anhand the CD-Rom of “ Sin-chyo 100 ”(新潮100) and “Aozora-Bunko”(青空文庫), Yahoo Japan etc.
Chapter V is also an empical study, exploring the acquisition and misuse of the Taiwanese People by learning adjectives and adjective-verb (形容動詞) , and that through the database of the LARP at SCU--"Language Acquisition Research Project of the Japanese department of Soochow University. It is a database of the four years of Japanese writing information of 37 students.
Chapter VI reviews the current Japanese textbooks about how they describe and arrange the adjectives and adjective-verb (形容動詞); here my own teaching programmes will be briefly introduced.
Chapter VII will summarize the main theses, some future prospects will also be given.