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有聲資料 Derenne, P. (Vocalist). (1997). Melodies francaises. ﹝compact disc﹞. France : Solstice. (Recorded: 1958-1959) Hendricks, B. (Vocalist). (1996). M�翼odies Fran�岬ises. ﹝compact disc﹞. France: EMI Records Ltd. Jones, D. (Vocalist). (1993). French songs. ﹝compact disc﹞. Essex, England : Chandos Records Ltd. Lehmann, L. (Vocalist). (1989). Lotte Lehmann: Schubert, Wolf, Duparc, Brahms.﹝compact disc﹞. New York: BMG Music. (Recorded: 1935-1949) Norman, J. (Vocalist). (1986). Les chemins de l'amour. ﹝compact disc﹞. Baarn, The Netherlands: Philips. (Recorded: 1977) Panzera, C. (Vocalist). (1992). Charles Panzera with Alfred Cortot and Magdeleine Panzera-Baillot. ﹝compact disc﹞. Sussex, England: Pavilion Records Ltd.
樂譜 Duparc, H. (composer). (2002). Henri Duparc Treize M�翼odies volume 1 pour voix �翼ev�縹s et piano. (avec Compact-Disc play-back). France: Salabert.