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研究生(外文):Mei-Ling Teng
外文關鍵詞:management tacticsemployee profit sharing policyorganization performance
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企業是一種經濟性組織,必須能夠有效的整合資源、創造顧客價值以贏得市場需求。而策略的型態是指對決策者或企業的經營者而言,對於所需解決的管理問題有那些可以採行的行動方案(Michael Porter(1980))。
在20 世紀末當全球產業發展進入數位時代及全球化競爭中,知識工作者逐漸取代傳統的資本和勞工,成為最重要的基本經濟資源,故如何能提高知識工作者的生產力,是二十一世紀管理學最大的挑戰。




An enterprise is an economic organization which is capable of efficient resource integration and customer value establishment to obtain the market demand. To a policymaker or a leader of an enterprise, strategies represent schemes that can be conducted to solve management issues [Michael Porter (1980)].
In the end of 20th century, the industrial development has evolved into digital century and global competition, and knowledge workers who replaced conventional capital and labor have been the most important economic resource. Consequently, how to increase production of knowledge workers becomes the biggest challenge in management in the 21st century.
During the progress of high tech industries development in Taiwan, profit sharing and employee stock ownership plan plays a key role of achieving superior competitive ability, especially for the industries that focus on research, design, and innovation. Since the profit sharing has been finalized, there is always dispute over dilution of shareholder profit. However, basically in all respects, the profit sharing and employee stock ownership plan has never been negated for its positive function to excite employee production and increase company performance.
This research is to study the effects of strategies of an enterprise and selection of its profit sharing policy. A light-emitting diode (LED) manufacturer in Taiwan will be taken as the study case, and questionnaires will be surveyed in its employees for statistical analysis and hypothesis verification.
With the statistical analysis of collected information and data, three effects are revealed.
1. The effects on strategies of an enterprise and profit sharing policy
Both low cost and differentiation strategy have significant positive correlation to all factors of profit sharing policy. However, centralization strategy is positive correlation to performance payment basis and information confidentiality. Furthermore, differentiation strategy and performance payment basis show the most positive correlation. In the other words, the analysis shows that low cost and differentiation strategy are more acceptable to this company’s employees. However, other employees who more agree with the differentiation strategy emphasize whether the level of profit sharing management and the profit sharing policy is paid by the basis of the key performance indicator (KPI).
2. The effects of employee profit sharing policy and non-financial performance:
In the profit sharing plan, only the profit sharing standard and payment based on KPI (not on fiscal efficiency) are positive correlation. And then, only the level of profit sharing management, the directions and ways of planning the degree of profit sharing policy are positive related to non-fiscal efficiency. But we may further understand that the specific gravity of flexible wages (profit sharing) and the confidentiality of profit sharing information are not obviously affecting the non-fiscal efficiency.
3. Non-financial performance show intermediary effect between employee profit sharing policy and financial performance:
Except the confidentiality of profit sharing information in profit sharing strategy, the other factors are more obviously and positive correlation to fiscal efficiency. Excluding the level of profit sharing management, the directions and ways of planning and the level of profit sharing policy, the other factors show positive correlation to non-fiscal efficiency. Notwithstanding, the non-fiscal efficiency and the fiscal efficiency are highly related, which means that a good profit sharing policy could expire an enterprise’s non-fiscal efficiency indicators. Also, by increasing of an enterprise’s non-fiscal efficiency indicators (employees’ capabilities, employees’ incentive and rates of employees’ changeable frequency), would affect the fiscal efficiency. Thus means, the non-fiscal efficiency is a medium between profit sharing policy and fiscal efficiency.
The research results can be the reference for the managers of this case studying company for drawing management tactics and profit sharing policy. Therefore, it will improve all divisions to implement management plans and to increase enterprise competition and organization performance.
第一章 緒 論
第一節 研究背景與動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 論文架構及研究流程
第二章 文獻回顧
第一節 我國員工分紅制度的法令規章
第二節 員工分紅制度的激勵效果
第三節 股利政策
第四節 企業經營策略之類型
第五節 經營績效
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究架構
第二節 研究變數之操作性定義
第三節 研究議題之建立
第四節 研究工具及分析方法
第五節 研究的對象與範圍
第四章 研究結果
第一節 樣本基本特徵與描述性統計
第二節 信度分析
第三節 因素分析
第四節 相關分析
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 假設檢驗結果之討論
第二節 研究後之建議
第三節 研究限制

附錄 研究問卷

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