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研究生(外文):Hsiao, Wan Ting
論文名稱(外文):The Case Study of Risk Factors of Software System Project Using Offshore Outsourcing
外文關鍵詞:GlobalizationProjectOffshore OutsourcingProject Risk
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Due to the rapid development of information technology, the trend of globalization is making that many companies constantly cross boundaries to develop the overseas markets. To face the competition pressure of running the international business, if the companies want to progress smoothly and faster, they need information systems' supports definitely. That is why they need to create the software projects, and the required systems are more than before. To consider the cost, quality and technology issues of the software projects, the offshore outsourcing businesses have been growth industry nowadays.

The relevant research documents of offshore outsourcing software projects are still limited in Taiwan currently, but many international research reports show that the trend of using offshore outsourcing will keep growing in the future. This research tried to probe into the related offshore outsourcing risks that the each company concern. Firstly, tried to collect many research documents of software project risks and offshore outsourcing risks. Defining different aspects and agenda, and through depth interview with the experts, who have lots of experiences of managing software offshore outsourcing projects in Taiwan financial industry or offshore outsourcing service providers, to research what risks they concern or what risks they were/are facing. After then, using grounded theory to analyze the interview contents to generate valuable suggestion report for the relevant companies.

After the analysis, the research found that about the related risk factors, no special difference between the primary companies and the offshore outsourcing service providers. And it also found that the culture topic, which was everyone talked about before, is not an important risk nowadays. The research analysis found the important risks are Currency exchange, Budget estimation and management, The conflict of development standards, Staff experience, Project management experience, Unclear role and responsibility definition, Requirements keep changing, Resource overuse, Executives' experience, Clients' maturity, Languages, Training learning curve, Poor communication, Border tensions between countries.
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究範圍 3
1.5 論文架構及章節內容 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 全球化 5
2.1.1 全球化理論 5
2.1.2 全球化經濟與影響 7
2.1.3 文獻小結 7
2.2 專案 9
2.2.1 專案生命週期定義 9
2.2.2 軟體建置專案的風險因素 11
2.2.3 專案關鍵成功因素 15
2.2.4 文獻小結 17
2.3 境外委外 18
2.3.1 境外委外的定義及演進 18
2.3.2 境外委外的風險 20
2.3.3 境外委外的成功因素 24
2.3.4 文獻小結 27
第三章 研究設計 29
3.1 研究流程 29
3.2 研究架構 30
3.3 研究方法 32
3.4 個案選擇 34
3.5 資料蒐集 35
3.6 資料分析步驟 35
第四章 個案分析 36
4.1 研究個案(一) 發包商 36
4.1.1 公司背景特性、知識與經驗 36
4.1.2 專案經理經驗 36
4.1.3 風險議題-財務類風險 37
4.1.4 風險議題-技術類風險 37
4.1.5 風險議題-管理類風險 39
4.1.6 風險議題-行為類風險 40
4.1.7 風險議題-法規類風險 41
4.2 研究個案(二) 發包商 42
4.2.1 公司背景特性、知識與經驗 42
4.2.2 專案經理經驗 42
4.2.3 風險議題-財務類風險 42
4.2.4 風險議題-技術類風險 43
4.2.5 風險議題-管理類風險 45
4.2.6 風險議題-行為類風險 46
4.2.7 風險議題-法規類風險 47
4.3 研究個案(三) 印度委外服務大廠 48
4.3.1 公司背景特性、知識與經驗 48
4.3.2 專案經理經驗 48
4.3.3 風險議題-財務類風險 49
4.3.4 風險議題-技術類風險 49
4.3.5 風險議題-管理類風險 51
4.3.6 風險議題-行為類風險 52
4.3.7 風險議題-法規類風險 53
4.4 研究個案(四) 印度委外服務大廠 55
4.4.1 公司背景特性、知識與經驗 55
4.4.2 專案經理經驗 55
4.4.3 風險議題-財務類風險 56
4.4.4 風險議題-技術類風險 56
4.4.5 風險議題-管理類風險 58
4.4.6 風險議題-行為類風險 59
4.4.7 風險議題-法規類風險 60
第五章 結果分析 61
5.1 風險影響程度分析 61
5.2 主要風險因素辨識 62
5.3 主要風險因素間相互影響關連分析 63
第六章 結論與建議 66
6.1 研究發現與結論 66
6.2 研究限制 68
6.3 後續研究建議 68
參考文獻 69
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