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研究生(外文):Ja-Hsing Hsia
論文名稱(外文):QoS Guarantee over Home Gateway in Heterogeneous Network
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Wi-Fi (802.11e)WiMAX (802.16d802.16e)DOCSISHeterogeneous NetworkPacket Format TranslationQoSSRG
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隨著網路的蓬勃發展,許多不同的網路型態紛紛問世,而無線與有線寬頻網路的普及,隨著網路使用者持續增加。而在家庭網路中,最常見傳輸技術以Ethernet、電話線(HomePNA)、電源線(HomePlug)、Cable與目前大眾所知無線區域網路IEEE802.11a/b/g/n等,並透過家用閘道器(Residential Gateway)管理不同的網路。網路的發展,不僅帶給人們便利。頻寬將不在受到限制,傳輸範圍會更遠更廣,同時傳輸速度也會更快。對於QoS (Quility of Service)的迫切要求,也就日益增大。隨著各種的網路逐漸成熟,異質網路的溝通將是無法避免的,再者目前大多數網路都可支援到Ethernet,但Ethernet中的MAC格式並無定義任何關於QoS訊息之欄位,使得傳輸的資料毫無QoS保證可言。而QoS將成為未來必須討論的問題,像是在通訊過程中通話的品質、網路資料傳輸的正確性、傳輸速度、甚至於第二層與第三層的QoS保證,將是未來必須考慮的重要問題。

在無線區域網路中,Wi-Fi是目前日常生活中最常使用的無線網路傳輸技術,主要是以無線射頻(Radio Frequency, RF)技術彌補傳統實體網路線的缺點,讓使用者在移動過程中可以進行資料傳輸,隨時隨地享受無線網路的便利性,但是傳輸距離約100公尺,若使用者位於存取點(Access Point, AP)附近進行資料傳輸,其資料傳送速率最高可達54Mbps以上,且隨著距離存取點越遠,其信號強度也隨著變小,而導致傳送速率變慢、傳輸延遲更加嚴重。為了降低傳輸延遲、提高傳輸品質,IEEE組織802.11標準委員會制定了802.11e標準。主要是為了提升具有QoS傳輸效能,並定義封包優先權之概念。而WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) 802.16-2004與802.16-2005為目前較新的網路規格,其傳輸範圍可高達48公里、傳輸速度每秒為70Mbps,且具有良好的QoS機制,在未來的無線網路中,WiMAX將會成為備受矚目的無線技術之ㄧ。然而以Cable而言,目前新的網路鋪設方式,是將光纖及同軸電纜混合使用,簡稱為光纖同軸混合(Hybrid Fiber/Coax,HFC)架構,即主幹(Trunk)與頭端(Headend)之間的聯繫採用光纖電纜,遠端節點再以同軸電纜拉出並利用樹狀結構(branch and tree)之方式拉至用戶端。而目前cable modem的主流是MCNS/DOCSIS。MCNS(Multimedia Cable Network System)於1996年初開始制訂標準,並於1996年底公佈了Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (目前新版規格DOCSIS 3.0)。目前有越來越多的廠商投入生產的產品是使用MCNS的規格。本論文將整合Wi-Fi、WiMAX以及DOCSIS於家庭異質網路中,以改善Ethernet於第二層所缺乏之QoS保證以及目前第三層繞送QoS保證之問題。為了改善上述問題,本論文提出Seamless Residential Gateway (SRG)架構,並於架構中加入本篇論文所提出的封包整合機制。讓使用者只需使用SRG則可提供異質網路間Format Mapping與QoS Mapping,來支援QoS傳輸服務品質保證,讓使用者擁有良好的延展性網路,以改善目前家庭異質網路的缺點。
With the network technology spread rapidly, there are many different network topology has been development. Wireless and broadband network are all-pervasive as well by users increase. For Home Networks, Ethernet, HomePNA, HomePlug, Cable Network, and IEEE 802.11 are the most popular communication techniques. The development of the Internet brings people convenience. Bandwidth will no longer be a problem; on the other hand the QoS requirement is urgent.
The communication protocol over Heterogeneous Networks is necessary. Most Heterogeneous Networks is bound by Ethernet. But the package format of Ethernet protocol has no field to keep the QoS messages. The communication quality, data transfer accuracy, transmission bandwidth are the important issues must be considered in future.
In the Wireless Local-Area Network, Wi-Fi is the most popular wireless network technology; Physical network line has been replaced by the Radio Frequency technology. Although, the user could transfer data at moving environment, but the range is limit within 100 meters from access point. The farther you are from a wireless access point, the more signal lost. For decreasing transfer delay and increasing QoS efficiency, IEEE 802.11 group has completed the work of 802.11e standard constitution to lower transfer delay and improve the QoS efficiency. Priority packages are defined and sent it into the different priority queue.
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a new generation wireless communication standard. There are three major advantages of WiMAX: 48 kilometers long-distance range, 70Mbps transmission bandwidth, and QoS function provided. No doubt, WiMAX will become a popular wireless technology aftertime.
Hybrid Fiber/Coax (HFC) is also a popular network which bases on mixing fiber and cable. The trunk and headend are connected by Fiber cable. The mainstream of cable modem is based on the MCNS/DOCSIS standard. MCNS (Multimedia Cable Network System) had started to define the standard from the beginning of 1996, and announced Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS 1.0) at the end of 1996, DOCSIS 2.0 was released in December 2001 and DOCSIS 3.0, was released in August 2006. An increasing number of manufacturers today are producing products to support DOCSIS standard.
This paper will integrate WiFi, WiMAX and DOCSIS into the family heterogeneous networks. It also provide an Seamless Residential Gateway (SRG) structure which can solve the problem of network QoS guarantee on the OSI level 2 and level 3. SRG could provide Format Mapping and QoS transfer guarantees on heterogeneous networks.Finally, we will show the simulation results to prove the high efficiency of SRG structure.
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方向 2
1.3 論文架構 3
二、 相關研究及背景 4
2.1 DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification) 4
2.1.1 DOCSIS之MAC Format 7
2.1.2 上行頻道頻寬配置 10
2.1.3 上行傳輸與碰撞解決機制 11
2.1.4 DOCSIS之QoS架構 13
2.2 IEEE 802.11 14
2.2.1 IEEE 802.11e之MAC Format 17
2.2.2 802.11MAC的存取模式 23
2.3 IEEE 802.16 WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) 28
2.3.1 IEEE 802.16 WiMAX之MAC層探討 34
2.3.2 802.16之QoS架構 43
三、 研究方法 45
3.1 Wi-Fi對應DOCSIS 47
3.2 Wi-Fi對應WiMAX 49
3.3 DOCSIS對應Wi-Fi 51
3.4 DOCSIS對應WiMAX 52
3.6 QoS Mapping 55
四、 模擬結果與分析 58
4.1 模擬架構一建置與結果分析 58
4.2 模擬架構二建置與結果分析 65
4.3 模擬架構三建置與結果分析 69
五、 結論 82
六、 未來研究方向與建議 83
參考文獻 84
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