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研究生(外文):Bi-yu Liu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion on Electroencephalogram and Cardiac Autonomic Function in WKY and SHR
中文關鍵詞:中大腦動脈阻塞腦波心率變異性自主神經活性TTC 染色
外文關鍵詞:middle cerebral occlusionMCAOelectroencephalogramheart rate
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的嚴重度。而MCAO 的動物模式在模擬中風之研究已延用多年,也多所探討
MCAO 對腦波、睡眠、自主神經的影響,但學者大多使用麻醉情況下進行生理
因此本論文的研究主要是瞭解MCAO 前後對自由活動下大鼠的腦波、睡眠和自
1. TTC 染色探討Wister-Kyoto rats (WKY) 和spontaneously hypertensive rats
(SHR)在MCAO 後,其腦部受損區域之體積之差異。
2. WKY 和SHR 在MCAO 前後對腦部活性的變化(中風側和健側之比較)。
3. WKY 和SHR 在MCAO 前後對睡眠結構之變化。
4. WKY 和SHR 在MCAO 前後心臟自主神經功能的變化。
將八週大同年齡的WKY 和SHR 埋置頭電極,之後隨機區挑選做MCAO 和Sham
手術,術後每週測一次持續4 週。一個月後,犧牲取腦做切片染色。
從TTC 染色可以看出中風後SHR 的腦部受損的範圍較中風後WKY 嚴重,相對的
在腦波的部份也可看出SHR 在右側頂葉和右側額葉的腦波功率(TP, delta power,
theta power, alpha power, beta power)較WKY 低。然而中風後的WKY 則較無太大
在睡眠上,控制組之SHR 本身在睡眠時間較WKY 短,睡眠品質差。但MCAO 對
WKY 和SHR 的睡眠結構並無太大改變。
MCAO 對WKY 和SHR 皆會造成心率變異性的TP, HF, LF 的降低,但是WKY 影
響的是長期的改變,而SHR 在中風後第15 天即會回升至MCAO 前的狀況。但SHR
MCAO 造成正常血壓和高血壓的生理影響不一,可能是SHR 體內缺乏血管保護因
子,因此造成其腦部皮質受損的範圍較WKY 大,相對的從腦波也可看出SHR 的受
傷側的腦波活性亦較低。然而MCAO 對自主神經影響的方面,WKY 較嚴重,最主
要是在副交感神經的部份。但SHR 在MCAO 則主要是降低交感神經。
Stroke now ranks second as leading cause of death which makes death and
long-term disability. The occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAO) which
nears the circle of Willis almost results in a large cerebral infarct in adult rats. With
a close relationship of hypertension, MCAO not only causes sleep disorders but
also affects the severity of ischemic stroke. Being an animal model of stroke
research for many years, MCAO explores the influence on EEG, sleep and
autonomic nerve system. However, most researchers focus on the physiological
under anesthesia than the change of physiological index in free moving rats. It is
still unclear that the change of ANS in free moving rats. Therefore, the aim of this
study is to explore the influence of EEG, sleep, ANS in before and after MCAO,
especially the difference between hypertension and normal blood pressure.
1. To study the difference of the capacity of brain before and after MCAO in WKY
and SHR by TTC stain.
2. To study the changes of brain activity before and after MCAO in WKY and SHR.
3. To study the changes of sleep pattern before and after MCAO in WKY and SHR.
4. To study the changes of cardiac autonomic nervous system before and after
MCAO in WKY and SHR.
The MCAO was injured focal cerebral ischemia which followed in adult male WKY
and compared with age-matched SHR. Six hours of electroencephalogram (EEG),
electromyogram (EMG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals were recorded in
rats during daytim. Rats were sacrificed one month after MCA occlusion and
administration of 2,3,5-triphenylterazolium chloride.
Comparing with WKY, SHR showed an increase in infarct volume following MCAO.
The MCAO effect of EEG at R-Parietal and frontal of SHR showed decrease in
total power (TP), delta power, theta power, alpha power and beta power . However,
WKY were not changes.
As compared to WKY, SHR may have less sleep time, poorer sleep quality in Sham
groups. However, MCAO and Sham groups had similar sleep pattern in sleep time,
stage number and stage duration.
A significant decrease in TP, high-frequency power (HF) and low-frequency power
(LF) of heart rate variability in active waking (AW), quiet sleep (QS), and
paradoxical sleep (PS) stages was found in MCAO group in both SHR and WKY
rats. WKY returned to baseline in the long time. As compared WKY, SHR
decreased LF/HF ratio in AW, QS and PS stages.
SHR lacks the natural proneness to stroke, but WKY were protected from infarction.
But WKY had decreased and prolonged cardiac parasympathetic tone. SHR had
attenuate cardiac sympathetic tone. In this study, we suggest that the cardiac
autonomic regulation of SHR and WKY were different to stroke, it may be
accommodation circulation in the occlusion. However, comparing with WKY rats,
SHR rats had serious cerebral cortex damage.
2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) 染色……………………··18
一、TTC 染色探討WKY 和SHR 在MCAO 後其腦部受損區域之體積差
二、WKY 和SHR 在MCAO 前後對腦部活性的變化(中風側和健側之比
較) ……………………………………………………………·……·23
三、WKY 和SHR 在MCAO 前後對睡眠結構之變化…………………·……24
四、WKY 和SHR 在MCAO 前後對心臟自主神經功能的變
對整個24 小時睡眠尚不清楚……………………………………………32
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