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研究生(外文):Yan Chi Ho
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of Implementing Business Intelligence in Taiwan Aerospace Industry
指導教授(外文):Jau-Shin Hon
外文關鍵詞:Business IntelligenceTaiwan Aerospace IndustryData WarehouseImplementation of Information System
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Major commercial aircraft manufacturers in Europe and America are developing new supply chain strategies leveraging global and regional subcontractors in specialized techniques to achieve vertical disintegration and horizontal integrations. the aerospace industry uses the Asian partners which the wage is lower to be the targeted supply chain groups of vertical collaboration. The company in this case has turned their business operation orientation from mission oriented into profit leading. And also, their business scope has turned from military aircraft production only into both civil and military aircraft production. The company is aware of the competitive environment they are facing and thus adjusting their strategies to adopt proper information system to assist enterprise to catch business operation status rapidly and correctly such that they can increase their profit.
The information provided for decision maker is all collected from the information system of trading activities; the most popular one is ERP. However, this kind of system is developed under the background of mission orientation. Therefore, it focuses on operational raw data recording, formal report generation, and basic information inquiry. Mid to high level decision maker needs to get analysis of leading indicators to make a proper decision, the over detail data and regular formal report cannot satisfy their needs. Especially when they need the information from different perspective, it always takes manual collection. These caused the company cannot get the information correctly at once, and result in the information asymmetry. Finally the manager overestimates or underestimates the current operating situation, and rise up the probability of improper policy.
With this, this study adopts case study to understand the environment that this company is facing, the problems they encountered regarding information collection, disposition and analysis. Base on the reference investigation, data collection and interview, to analyze the Business Intelligence system structure of aerospace industry. And take the problem of inventory and account receivable which is eager to solve as an example, to bring up a solution which conform to the Business Intelligence of the distinction of Aerospace Industry to those related people who faced this kind of problem.
To use Business Intelligence to solve problems of inventory and account receivable, data collected, dispose and analysis in order to reduce the waste of manpower and time. And it can get the real-time data in need. On the other hand, using the information, to generate visualized, colored graphs and charts, it helps the company to make more high quality decision
摘要 III
致謝 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.3研究方法 5
1.4研究範圍 6
第二章、文獻探討 8
2.1資訊市場的演進 8
2.2.1 ERP與商業智慧關係 9
2.2.2商業智慧理論 10
2.2.3商業智慧的觀念架構 11
2.2.4商業智慧的新價值 12
2.2.6傳統交易型資料庫與資料倉儲的差異 17
2.2.7商業智慧系統導入方法論 18
2.2.8商業智慧的運用範疇 21
2.2.9商業智慧系統效益與導入系統成敗之因素 22
第三章 航太產業概況與個案分析 25
3.1航太產業供應鏈結構 25
3.2航太產業特性 27
3.3個案公司沿革與組織架構 28
3.4個案公司之業務概況 30
3.5個案公司所面臨內外環境問題 32
3.5.1外部環境 32
3.5.2內部環境 33
3.5.3小結 34
3.6個案公司之電子化現況 34
3.7個案公司存貨面臨之問題與挑戰 38
3.8個案公司應收帳款面臨之問題與挑戰 41
3.9個案公司營運現況分析 43
3.10本章小結 45
第四章 個案公司因應方案 46
4.1商業智慧解決方案 46
4.1.1專案規劃(Project Planning) 47
4.1.2定義企業需求(Defining Business Requirements) 47
4.1.3技術領域—技術架構(Technical Architecture Design) 48
4.1.4技術領域—產品選擇及安裝(Product Selection & Installation) 49
4.1.5資料領域—維度模式設計(Dimensional Modeling) 50
4.1.6資料領域—資料集結設計及開發(ETL Design & Development)與資料庫實體設計(Physical Design) 57
4.1.7商業智慧應用領域—商業智慧應用程式規劃與開發(BI Application Specification and Development) 61
4.1.8系統部署(Deployment) 63
4.1.9系統維護及成長管理(Maintenance & Growth) 63
4.1.10專案管理(Project Management) 64
4.2商業智慧解決方案成效 64
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 67
5.1結論 67
5.3未來研究方向 69
參考文獻 70
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