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研究生(外文):Yu-Yuan Chang
論文名稱(外文):Simulation and Analysis Technology of the Thermo-Flow Field inside a Moving Office
外文關鍵詞:Computational Fluid Dynamicsairflow structurenumerical analysis
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流體流動與熱傳遞現象在現今生活中已大量存在於自然界及各種工程領域中,而透過計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics,簡稱CFD)的數值分析可模擬出上述這些複雜的物理變動現象並作有系統性的分析。近年來CFD已廣泛地被應用於分析車艙內的氣流場結構,目的在於加速開發工程的設計時間與節省資源,並準確地分析車艙內部各種熱流場分佈,期能瞭解實際空氣熱流場的變動。本研究將針對已改裝過的Ford E350車艙模型進行氣流模擬分析,評估經改裝過後,內部流場的配置變化對於人員乘坐舒適度有何影響。研究方法利用CFD軟體- FLUENT求解出車艙內部流場的溫度、壓力及速度等分佈,並且考慮太陽輻射熱、人員生理熱及精密電子設備熱源等實際狀況;另外,將使用網格自適應技術來增加模擬結果的準確性,並引入ISO 7730的PMV與PPD指標來評估人員的熱舒適感受。模擬結果說明經由車艙內部配置的改變,人員的熱舒適普遍上是不舒適的,原因在於原廠的出、吸風口的位置並不能有效將車內的熱負荷排出車外,在未來可針對此點利用空氣流管理技術,來改善車艙內部人員的熱舒適感受。
Fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena in nowadays has been exist in nature and others field, while the numerical analysis of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) can simulate these complex physical phenomena systematically. In recent years CFD has widely been used to analyze the airflow structure of vehicular cabin, which to step out the development of research time and resources saving, and accurate analysis of various thermo-flow field inside a vehicular cabin. This study will carry out the simulation and analysis of thermo-flow field for Ford E350 cabin that establish the influence of the thermal comfort of manikins which the internal configuration were already modified. Research methods used CFD software - FLUENT module for the thermo-flow of temperature, pressure and velocity distribution, and take into account the solar radiation, physiological heat of manikins and heat sources, in addition, the grid adaption technology will use to increase the accuracy of simulation results and quote from PMV and PPD index of ISO 7730 to estimate the thermal comfort of manikins. Simulation results show that by the change of internal configuration of vehicular cabin, the thermal comfort is not generally comfortable, because the vent location of inlet and outlet can not removed the heat effectively from the inside, in the future, we can apply an air flow management technique to improve the thermal comfort for its.
目 錄
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究動機 2
1.2 文獻探討 3
1.2.1 車艙內氣流場模擬 3
1.2.2 熱舒適評估 7
1.2.3 網格自適應技術 11
1.3 研究目的 13
第二章 研究方法與進行步驟 14
2.1 研究方法 14
2.2 進行步驟 15
2.2.1 3-D實體車艙模型建立 15
2.2.2 網格系統 16
2.2.3 數學模型 17
第三章 數值方法 21
3.1 對流-擴散問題的離散格式 22
3.2 壓力-速度耦合問題處理 24
3.4 自適應網格 28
3.4 模擬設定 31
第四章 結果與討論 35
4.1 車艙中心線上之速度無因次化分析 35
4.2 溫度場分析 36
4.3 壓力場分析 39
4.4 空氣流體徑線軌跡分析 42
4.5 人員舒適度評估 43
第五章 結論與未來展望 50
參考文獻 51
符號彙編 53
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