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研究生(外文):I-An Shih
論文名稱(外文):Study of Dynamic Simulation and Energy Management of an Inverse-Differential-Gear Hybrid Electric System
外文關鍵詞:Hybrid Electric SystemEnergy ManagementInverse Differential GearElectronic Continuous Variable TransmissionDynamic Simulation
  • 被引用被引用:11
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本研究探討能量管理控制策略及分析複合電動系統整體性能,將具體的控制策略製造出一個能量管理控制單元EMU(Energy Management Unit)針對個別的動力單元進行能量分配。能量管理系統以駕駛者動力需求為參考輸入,採用以法則為基礎之控制策略,決定電動馬達、發電機與內燃機的動力分配,使內燃機一直處於最佳效率區域運轉。系統採用內燃機與電動馬達作為系統動力源,利用逆向差速齒輪式動力整合分配機構將兩者結合,在車輛負載變化時搭配電子式無段變速機構eCVT(Electrical Continuously Variable Transmission)調整傳動減速比,使內燃機及電動馬達達到較穩定的動力輸出。電腦分析使用Matlab/simulink軟體以模組化方式建立系統各元件,依據NEDC2000行車型態以整車動態模組進行模擬,針對其結果加以分析探討。
This research discussed the energy management control strategy and analysis the overall performance of hybrid electric system. The specific control strategy will create an Energy Management Unit (EMU) to carry on the distribution of energy in view of individual power unit. Energy management system took the needs of Driver command as reference input, used the rule-based control strategy to determine the power distribution among Electric Motor (EM), generator and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) to keep ICE always operate in the most optimum efficiency area. System used ICE and EM as the power source; integrated and combined by inverse differential gear. While the vehicle load changes, the combination of electrical Continuously Variable Transmission (eCVT) will adjust transmission gear ratio for ICE and EM to achieve more stable power output. The computer analysis used Matlab/simulink software to create a modular system component; based on the result from the stimulation of the traffic patterns to NEDC2000 overall vehicle dynamic model to make the analysis and investigation.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究目的與方法 8
1.3.1研究目的 8
1.3.2 研究方法 12
第二章 複合電動系統動態模型建構 16
2.1 內燃機模型 17
2.2 電動馬達/發電機模型 19
2.3 電池模型 24
2.4 動力整合分配機構 28
2.5 主動式無段變速系統 32
2.6 車輛環境參數輸入模型 39
2.7 整車動態模型 41
第三章 能量管理控制策略 42
3.1 複合電動系統操作模式 44
3.2複合電動系統控制策略設計 46
3.2.1電動馬達驅動模式(Normal Mode) 47
3.2.2內燃機驅動模式(Engine Mode) 49
3.2.3雙動力驅動模式(Dual Mode) 50
3.2.4再生煞車模式(Regenerative Braking Mode) 51
3.3能量管理系統設計 52
第四章 結果與討論 54
第五章 結論 64
參考文獻 66
符號彙編 69
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