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研究生(外文):Meng-Yao Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Heavy Carriage Rapid Transit System Rail Voltage and Stray Current Analysis
外文關鍵詞:Stray CurrentRail-to-Ground PotentialStray Current DistributionAccumulative Stray CurrentStray Current-LengthIndex of Charge-Length
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Typical heavy carriage rapid transit system adopts DC as traction power and takes rails as current return path. Traction current is delivered for traction substation through the third rail to the vehicle, and then returns to the negative end of traction power substation through steel rail. A portion of traction current will leak from the steel rialto the ground; which is called “stray current”, and the voltage between steel rail and ground is called rail-to-ground potential. The stray current is dc-current which will produce severe electrical corrosive effects on iron (or steel)structures, pipes, etc. Further more, some sensitive system may suffer from interference from stray current. Therefore, stray current can be regarded as a public detriment. And besides, the rise of rail-to-ground potential may bring threat to the safety of personnel and railway related equipments. This thesis focuses on two appropriate types of power supply source to train namely“single-side source” and “double-side source” respectively. Firstly, the equations of rail current and stray current distributions along the railway with respect to each type of power source are derived, theoretically, and then the accumulative stray current, stray current-length and stray charge-length are defined as the indexes for assessing the affections of stray current. These index equations will also be derived. This thesis will conduct detailed analysis and simulation on the two typical lines of heavy carriage rapid transit system in Taipei urban area, with the variation of carriage load and positions taken into consideration. Finally, potential threats and influence will be evaluated based on the analysis result.
目 錄
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 相關研究概況 2
1.2.1 國外研究情形 2
1.2.2 國內研究情形 3
1.3 研究重點 4
1.4 各章重點 4
第二章 捷運供電系統及牽引動力系統接地方式介紹 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 捷運供電系統之介紹 6
2.2.1 系統架構及供電方式 6
2.2.2 交流供電系統架構及方式 7
2.2.3 直流牽引動力供電方式 8
2.2.4 單邊供電方式 9
2.2.5 雙邊供電方式 10
2.2.6 捷運主變電站(BSS) 12
2.2.7 捷運牽引動力變電站(TSS) 13
2.2.8 捷運車站變電站(SSS) 16
2.2.9 第三軌 17
2.3牽引動力系統之接地方式之介紹 18
2.3.1直接接地系統(Solidly Grounded) 19
2.3.2二極體接地系統(Diode Grounded) 20
2.3.3非接地系統(Ungrounded Grounded) 21
第三章 雜散電流之成因及影響 23
3.1前言 23
3.2雜散電流之成因 23
3.2.1直流雜散電流 24
3.2.2交流雜散電流 25
3.3 雜散電流之影響 27
3.3.1 電蝕問題及案例描述 27
3.3.2 干擾問題描述 32
3.3.3 人畜安全問題描述 33
第四章 雜散電流理論推導與分析 34
4.1 前言 34
4.2單邊供電方式的雜散電流分析 34
4.2.1 電車位於分斷開關左邊 37
4.2.2 電車位於分段開關右邊 39
4.2.3 分析項目及演算法之建立 41
4.3雙邊供電方式之雜散電流分析 46
4.3.1理論之推導 46
4.3.2分析演算法之建立 50
第五章 軌道電位及雜散電流分析 53
5.1前言 53
5.2 分析案例之系統參數描述 53
5.3雜散電流分佈特性 57
5.3.1最大雜散電流密度分佈 57
5.3.2 累積雜散電流 66
5.3.3雜散電流長度指標 75
5.3.4雜散電荷長度指標 84
5.4軌道電位分佈特性 86
5.5問題檢討 95
第六章 影響與評估 97
6.1前言 97
6.2軌道電位安全評估 97
6.3金屬腐蝕評估 98
第七章 結論與未來展望 106
7.1結論 106
7.2未來展望 106
參考文獻 107
附錄A 捷運模擬分析圖 110
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