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研究生(外文):Yi-Feng Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Visual Aided Requirement Analysis Tool
外文關鍵詞:Information SystemRequirement AnalysisVisual
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依據The Standish Group國際研究機構統計[7],目前大多數系統建置失敗的主因,並非導因於軟體發展技術,而是需求分析不當所致。
因此,本研究擬依循既有資訊系統開發模式,提出一套創新「視覺化輔助需求分析」模式,並建構出一套視覺化輔助分析工具-Page Producer,藉此讓需求分析人員在進行需求擷取的過程中,亦能即時依使用者的訴求架構出系統雛型,讓顧客以視覺化的方式得知系統雛型的架構,以確保雙方對需求規格認知的吻合度。
With the advance in the information technology, it has been popular that the model of the business operation adopts the innovative applied information system.
No matter which developed model set by the information system, the procedures of the requirement analysis have been carried out in the process. But the requirement analysis people can’t understand enough specific knowledge about the business procedure and the technological field. It causes a drop between the results of requirement analysis and the customers’ need in the reality so that it can’t reach the expectation of the demand of the function at last.
According to the statistics by The Standish Group international research organization, the main reason that the most of the systems has failed the setting is that requirement analysis is improper instead of the developed technology of the software.
Therefore, the research follows the developed model of information system to submit a set of an innovative model “Visual aided Requirement Analysis” and a set of instrument- Page Producer. In this way, the requirement analysis people can construct a system model satisfying with the demand of users in time in the midst of the procedure of picking the requirement. Let customers know the configuration of the system model by visual way to ensure both sides of people cognizing the standard of requirement.
At last by the case of practical operation and simulation, institute a comparison of the benefit between traditional model and the requirement analysis model raised by the research while develop the system and further conclude and sort out what’s the contribution and value of the research is.
摘 要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究範疇 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 資訊系統開發模式 7
2.1.1. 瀑布模式 8
2.1.2. 漸增模式 9
2.1.3 雛型模式 10
2.1.4 螺旋模式 11
2.1.5 同步模式 12
2.1.6 RUP模式 13
2.1.7 統整與小結 15
2.2 影響需求分析精確性的問題與現象 18
2.3 小結 19
第三章 提升需求分析正確性的方法 20
3.1 TRIZ與TOC理論的應用 20
3.1.1 TOC限制理論 21
3.1.2 TOC-衝突圖 23
3.1.3 TRIZ理論 24
3.1.4 TRIZ進化理論 26
3.1.5 統整與小結 27
3.2 視覺化輔助系統開發原則與優勢 29
3.3 小結 30
第四章 視覺化輔助需求分析模式與工具 31
4.1 視覺化輔助需求分析模式 31
4.2 Page Producer架構 32
4.3 UI配置 35
4.4 Page Producer Tool 36
4.5 Web Service設定 38
4.6 Page Producer實作與功能介紹 39
4.7 小結 44
第五章 實例運用與分析 45
5.1 假設條件 45
5.2 個案公司簡介 47
5.2.1 個案簡介 47
5.2.2 建置資訊系統的動機與目的 47
5.3 傳統開發模式-瀑布式流程-IMS建置 49
5.3.1 需求分析-使用者需求 49
5.3.2 系統分析與設計 50
5.3.3 系統開發流程說明 52
5.4 視覺化輔助需求分析模式-IMS建置 55
5.4.1 系統頁面展示 55
5.5 系統開發流程效益比較與說明 65
5.6 統整與小結 68
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 70
6.1 結論 70
6.2 未來研究方向 71
參考文獻 72
附錄A:IMS主體架構 76
附錄B:IMS資料庫欄位關聯圖 77
附錄C:IMS資料庫欄位定義與說明 78
作者簡介 92
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