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研究生(外文):Neng Chun Yu
論文名稱(外文):A Proposed Framework of Evaluation Criteria for Housing Health
外文關鍵詞:Housing Healthevaluating factorsAnalytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)
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The first oil crisis was happened in 1973, but the economic development and public works never been ceased and still moved forward in Taiwan which were contributed by government’s policy guidance and efforts of peoples. Meanwhile, the economy growth droved the Metropolis construction that moved and centralized more people in urban area through many years developing. In these circumstance, the living environment has became more worse, many mental and physical disease were found that related with living environment changing, such as too crowded and noise, air and water pollution, re-build the old buildings to accommodate more migrations etc.
Early architectures caused the population centralizing which were Attributing of economic developing or policies guidance. Also the usage of architecture changing, re-innovation, architect change building design to create artificial environment, or air conditioning equipment depreciation etc. those all caused the air circulation of building is not good enough to deal with hotter climate in past years. Therefore, more air conditioners were installed to expel the heat from indoor to outdoor what has increased the energy consumption and temperature of atmosphere. Because of the building was enclosed in most time, the fresh air couldn’t exchange with indoor air, also the air can’t be circulated between in door and outdoor due to temperature too high caused by too many air conditioners, the health of people living in these building are throated seriously as well as energy consumption increasing.
To promote the living quality in comfortable, security, health, and protect the health of human not be throated by environment, this study is dedicated in field of physical of living environment, psychological environment and related biological environment, such as factor of atmosphere temperature, heat, humility, air, water, light, sound、vibration、chemical substance、allergy、medical treatment and housing maintenance etc. The goal of this study attempts to establish the evaluating factors of health housing, also establish the requirement of health for both human and building, improve the living environment and promote the health in both physically and psychologically.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究動機 2
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究方法及進行步驟 3
1.4 研究範圍與目標 5
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 8
2.1 永續建築、生態建築、綠建築及健康建築之定義 8
2.2 永續建築發展 10
2.2.1 全球永續建築演進示意 10
2.2.2 國內有關永續發展之歷程 13
2.3 綠建築發展 13
2.3.1 全球綠建築與評估工具發展概述 14
2.3.2 國內綠建築的發展 16
2.3.3 國內綠建築指標概述 18
2.4 智慧建築 21
2.5 健康住宅 24
2.5.1 健康與住宅 25
2.5.2 國外相關文獻 27
第三章 健康住宅評估指標與因子探討35
3.1 健康住宅評估因子 35
3.1.1 評估因子探討35
3.1.2 評估因子釋義及架構建立 49
3.2 評估指標與評估因子層級構建 81
3.2.1 問卷調查 81
3.2.2 評估指標項目與評估因子層級架構建立 85
第四章 健康住宅評估指標系統建立 89
4.1 AHP應用目的與基本運算 89
4.2 AHP專家決策模式分析 91
4.3 指標加權計分設計依據 102
4.4 指標綜合計分 109
第五章 結論與建議 117
5.1 結論 117
5.2 建議 118
參考文獻 119
附錄A:「健康住宅評估指標」評估因子之專家評估權重問卷調查 123
附錄B:專家問卷統計表 129
附件C:「健康住宅評估指標」評估因子之AHP專家評估權重問卷調查 133
附錄D:AHP專家問卷分析統計表 151
附錄E:AHP專家問卷整體權重架構樹狀圖 153
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