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研究生(外文):Wen-Te Huang
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Maximum Displacement of Diaphragm Wall during
外文關鍵詞:Diaphragm wallWall SurfaceMaximum Stratum displacementNumeric Analysis
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本研究乃以三維數值模擬軟體PLAXIS 3D Foundation進行模擬槽溝挖掘所引致地盤變位,藉由台北盆地淡二區(T2區)實際案例之監測資料進行材料參數與土壤模式之驗證,並試圖改變連續壁多單元之開挖長度、寬度、深度、地下水位深度進行研析。
Diaphragm wall is one of the commonly used construction methods for deep excavation. However in urban areas, construction sites are mostly right next to roads and buildings. Damage to neighboring buildings and construction problems happen frequently. In addition, Taipei Basin has soft ground, which increases the chance for collapse of wall surface and lateral displacement during the excavation of trenches. Therefore, the mechanism of settlement and lateral displacement due to the construction of diaphragm wall is worth investigating.
3D numeric simulation software, PLAXIS 3D Foundation, is introduced to simulate the stratum displacement due to trench excavation. The excavation monitoring data of a practical case at Tanshui 2 zone (zone T2) of Taipei Basin for verification of material parameters and soil patterns. The analysis is conducted by changing the excavation length, width, depth of diaphragm wall units and groundwater level.
From numeric analysis, it is found that the maximum lateral stratum displacement due to the excavation of three consecutive units occurs at 1/2H of wall surface, and the maximum ground settlement occurs at the top of wall surface at ground level. In addition, with the dimensions of trench under control, the excavation length and corresponding maximum stratum displacement show signs of increase. As the excavation depth goes beyond 30m, the maximum displacement approaches a constant value. Also in the analysis of corner units, the purpose is to investigate the stratum displacement at different orientation. The result shows that there is superimposition in the maximum stratum displacement.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法及內容 1
1.3 論文架構與概述 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 連續壁施作過程之相關文獻概述 4
2.2 連續壁施作過程之地盤應力傳遞機制 8
2.2.1 連續壁施作過程各階段之液壓分布 8
2.2.2 連續壁施作過程土層應力分布 10
2.3 槽溝開挖之地盤變位 12
2.3.1現地監測連續壁施作之地盤變位 12
2.3.2 數值方法分析連續壁施作之地盤變位 16
2.4 安全係數之相關研究 18
第三章PLAXIS數值軟體介紹 23
3.1 PLAXIS軟體概述 23
3.2 PLAXIS土壤材料之組合律 24
3.3 PLAXIS參數輸入介紹 31
3.4 PLAXIS分析流程 33
第四章 槽溝單元數值模擬及分析 34
4.1單元模型建立及案例驗證 34
4.1.1台北捷運工程站CN253A案例概況 34
4.1.2材料參數及數值模型設定 36
4.1.3數值模擬驗證 39
4.2 連續單元開挖尺寸之探討 42
4.2.1連續單元挖掘長度之影響 43
4.2.2連續單元挖掘厚度之影響 52
4.2.3連續單元挖掘深度之影響 60
4.2.3地下水位深度之影響 69
4.3轉角單元開挖尺寸之探討 78
4.3.1連續單元挖掘長度對轉角單元之影響 80
4.3.2轉角單元挖掘厚度之影響 83
4.3.3轉角單元挖掘深度之影響 86
第五章 結論與建議 90
5.1 結論 90
5.2 建議 92
參考文獻 93
附錄A 液態混凝土階段之側向位移 98
附錄B 委員意見回覆表 100
符號對照表 103

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