Ice storage HVAC system can save electricity charge by using time-of-use rates, and enhance load management by means of shifting peak demand. In this case of the Ice storage system of a domestic university, we use the data measured in each stage to analyze the advantage and disadvantage of its operation strategies, and stimulate and calculate a conclusion by using cooling load simulation and VBA module. The main topics discussed include running time of chiller during ice melting stage, period and ice storage capacity. According to the result of the simulation, the method which is applied to chiller to support the ice melting stage for 4 hours at peak time can shift peak demand sufficiently and acquire best operating benefit. In comparison with former modal, this new one can save about 467 thousand (13.2%) per year. The best supporting time of TOU Rate-B is 9 to 12 o’clock which save 647 thousand (18.3%) per year. By amending operating strategy, peak demand shifted obviously. Using regular contract capacity for 1,000kW and off-peak period contract capacity for 500kW as a replacement for regular contract capacity for 1,500kW is calculated to save about 1.1 million per year.